Why Bitcoin is here to stay

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

This is easily the best explanation I have read as to why Bitcoin is not just hear to stay, but will eventually become “the new world money order”. Teeka Tiwari, editor, The Palm Beach Letter says it so well.

“The abusive fiat money system creates a world in which you must work harder and harder just to maintain the same standard of living. It is impossible to save money because that money constantly loses value.

Bitcoin reverses this dynamic. It allows you to truly reap the fruits of your labor. And bitcoin makes it much easier to maintain, or even increase, your standard of living over time.

That is why I chuckle whenever I hear the objection: “But I can’t buy my coffee with it.”

One day you will be able to buy everything with bitcoin as easily as you swipe your credit card today. But that misses the entire point.

Bitcoin is not here to make shopping easier. It is not here to be a digital version of the dollar.

Bitcoin was born from the ashes of the 2008 financial crisis. It is here to give you a way out of the abusive fiat money system. It is here to hold the institutions accountable for stealing your purchasing power. Bitcoin is here to empower you, as an individual.

Bitcoin gives you 100% control of your money. It makes you the President and CEO of your own bank—with all the power and responsibilities that entails.

In a moral system, hard work and dedication should pay off. You should be able to set concrete financial goals and then plan how you will achieve them.

That can’t happen when your purchasing power is constantly stolen from you. It certainly can’t happen when you are expected to bail out failed banks and pay off debt you never incurred.

That’s why bitcoin is here—to level the playing field. Ultimately, bitcoin is going to give you back control of your financial destiny.”

Here’s to finally being able to be the ruler of our hard earned money!


Bitcoin need to overcome some problem, like the number of transaction per minute or the transaction fee. But nobody and nothing is perfect. I have too the feeling it will trive trough the years to come.

Bitcoin is here to stay for sure.

Even i am regretting about the decision which i made 2 years ago. I was offered to buy few bit coins @ USD 200 each. but i didn't buy because i didn't knew much about this.

The biggest growth is yet to come! We are all still very well positioned for tremendous growth now, 1, 3, 5, 10 years down the road. Buckle up!