This is a simple guide to make money with money. Take advantage of credit cards like Discover that have a 0% interest APR for 1 year and have cash back rewards. These cards save you 1 to 10% of your total purchase. For example, the Discover it card saves you 5% at grocery stores and gives you another 5% back at the end of the year.
Use these savings to invest in cryptos.
TRICK or HACK - When purchasing your groceries select cash back .
If your total credit is $1,000 and you spend it on groceries and save 10%, then this "frees" up $100 you can use to invest in cryptos.
Deposit this money in your bank and transfer it to buy cryptos using coinbase or something similar.
By the time you have to pay back your credit card next year you may be able to exponentially grow your $100 crypto investment and even make enough profit to pay back part of or all of your credit card.
All the while paying $0.00 in interest.
Even if you lose your whole investment it was money you received for "free" just from the rewards from purchasing the groceries you where going to buy anyways.
Totally agree with this post...Help and support each other and the world as a whole--a better place...
creative job @frijebai , thank you for sharing