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RE: By Far the Biggest Chunk of Tokens are Sold in Private and Pre-Sales - Some Thoughts

I haven’t participated in an ICO and by reading thys my chances are getting slimmer by the day.
Just like everything which can be tokenized will be tokenized, everything that can be monitized will be monitized.
On one handit shows that the cryptoworld is maturing on the other hand it’s attracting the wrong kind of investors.
These kind of investors don’t see it as a gamble or do believe in the product but want instant return on their investments. This is bad news for the cryptoworld. Nowadays deadlines are skipped cause the developpers don’t think that the quality is good enough. Which causes a small decrease in value for the coins but thats it. These days will be over soon. The developpers will be presured to go life with an inferior product and maybe lacking the desired quality and even security. These lacks will be exploited and bring muchmore damage to the coin/product and even the complete cryptoworld.


If this continuous every small investors chances get slimmer. But I believe the space is learning and newer ICO models come into existence. Full airdrops, 25k whitelist with low individual caps, auction models etc.