
Taxes are money taken by force, in essence no different than a mugging.

Of course evil people use cryptocurrencies. Evil people use the internet and fiat monetary system as well.

None of this changes the fact that privacy is a human right, and that taxation is theft.

Refusing to pay for bombs to blow up infants overseas is shady? Huh.

just move to a country without an army of its own and see if you like their taxes any better ;)

Not an argument. Just because living in some hypothetical country without an army would be dangerous by your estimation, that still doesn't make killing babies moral. Gotta work on your argumentation man.

Japan does not have much of an Army does it? Lots of countries don't have any forces overseas, it would be pretty easy to find a country not involved in foreign infant explosions. You could move to Panama where they have no standing army.

Japan is the lapdog of the US. Regardless of what taxes are or are not used for, taking money from individuals under the threat of violence is wrong.