worth almost 1 billion?Coinmarketcap.com价值10亿?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

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Hello Steemit friends, is the site that I will visit not less than 20 times per day, you know the reason, the huge fluctuation of cryptocurrency price make it such a big appeal to check the price at least once an hour, but the crazy thing is, give an estimate value of almost a billion dollar

Lets see some stats
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Here we can see that everyday there will be around 20 million people around the world come to this site and check the cryptocurrency price, and by average they will come for 5 times per day therefore the page view per day for this site is almost 100 millions.

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Estimate earning from this site is around $300,000 per day and almost $9 million a month, it is so awesome for the person who owned it

How about the competitor seem like they are doing not so bad, they now worth around $100 million with around 3 million visitor per day,

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So my question to you is, how many times you visit this 2 site per day? or you got other site you want to share?

thanks for reading


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广告收入的估计是每天可以赚取300,000美金的广告收入,也就是每个月大概9百万美金,太厉害了, 而竞争者coingecko.com呢?

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INTERESTING DATA IS AWESOME AS CRIPTOFINANCES ARE GROWING, currently with this market volatility I think I visit it 15 times a day, thanks for the information.

yeah, and it will keep growing

the rise of the markets is inevitable, we should only have a passivity



many people are worried about the weakening crypto price that keeps people checking on it. I had a three times a day checking her

yeah most ppl check it frequently especially those hodler

I normally visited coingecko. Never seen this website. Now i may want to visit this website.

However, I got questions, what make the other more famous?
Fast update.?
Nice setup?

Can we make a better website?

Thank you for sharing.

coinmarketcap was launch first so they have the first come advantage and word of mouth spread accross the internet and most ppl use it

Early bird will get the fattest worm

So they said...

However, it can be double edge sword. If done properly, gives you advantage. If done half-heartedly, people will not think twice of visiting again.
coinmarketcap did a very good job.

I definitely was asking this same question a few days ago. So many people trust Coinbase over any other wallet and with their fees I know they were making bank!

Growing like a rocket.