Yesterday drop like hell, today rebound, 昨天暴跌,今天爆起

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Hello Steemit friends, yesterday Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrency are dropping like hell, Bitcoin even dropped below $10000 and many people panic. Many friends ask me where is the bottom but of course no one will ever know the answer so I simply guess around $8000. However the dropped have stopped before $9500 and the price have recovered back to $12000

What causing the big drop for the past 2 days no one really know but i came across a reddit post talking about the possibility of manipulation just before the future contract end at 17 jan 2018

~~~ embed:CryptoCurrency/comments/7qw4ej/my_theory_on_the_real_cause_of_todays_chaos/?st=jcif5rm6&sh=92b2c9f1 reddit metadata:fENyeXB0b0N1cnJlbmN5fGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9DcnlwdG9DdXJyZW5jeS9jb21tZW50cy83cXc0ZWovbXlfdGhlb3J5X29uX3RoZV9yZWFsX2NhdXNlX29mX3RvZGF5c19jaGFvcy8/c3Q9amNpZjVybTYmc2g9OTJiMmM5ZjF8 ~~~

According to the post, the rich hedge fund could have bought both bitcoin and sell future contract for zero risk then they can manipulate the market by dumping huge amount of bitcoin at once to cause major panic before buying it back for huge profit. Even though there is no proof for this but the coincidence of the date make me think it is quite possible, what do you think?

chart still look ugly though

thanks for reading


为什么前两天跌到那么凶没有人懂可是我无意间看到reddit的一篇贴子提到future contract在1月17号交割,所以大庄家乘机来一把大动作狠捞一笔,现在把菲菜割了一波后价格可以慢慢回到正轨了吧

~~~ embed:CryptoCurrency/comments/7qw4ej/my_theory_on_the_real_cause_of_todays_chaos/?st=jcif5rm6&sh=92b2c9f1 reddit metadata:fENyeXB0b0N1cnJlbmN5fGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9DcnlwdG9DdXJyZW5jeS9jb21tZW50cy83cXc0ZWovbXlfdGhlb3J5X29uX3RoZV9yZWFsX2NhdXNlX29mX3RvZGF5c19jaGFvcy8/c3Q9amNpZjVybTYmc2g9OTJiMmM5ZjF8 ~~~





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nice and informative

@fundurian 嗯,我也是和友人说,比特币可能最大回调到$7.5-$8K左右。希望,这次是真实反弹,而不是虚假反弹,然后又暴跌~

BTC is getting crushed atm. Don’t try to catch a falling sword. Let it hit the ground and then pick it up.

