The Biggest ICO of 2017 may well of gone under most investors Radar ...... But its not too late!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

The cryptocurrency world has started to resemble the California gold rush of the 19th century, with more and more people realising they can make great financial gains scrambling to be the first to find the best projects. Getting into an ICO before it sells out is becoming more difficult and if it doesn’t sell out fast then maybe it wasn’t the best choice to buy into after all. 

Like the gold rush things began slowly with prospectors literally picking lumps of gold out of riverbeds, but as word spread it became more competitive. Thats where I think we are now in crypto, at the stage where things are becoming more competitive and opportunities while still plentiful are certainly beginning to attract the crowds.


So with this in mind its absolutely incredible that possibly one of the greatest projects to launch in 2017 has seemed to of gone under everybody's radar except the few very astute investors who make it their business not to miss out on any golden nuggets overlooked by the feeding frenzy of the crypto crowd.

If you have never heard of “DEEPBRAIN CHAIN” then in 2018 you most certainly will ..... 

Shanghai based company DeepBrain Chain is about to be the pioneer of Artificial Intelligence on the Blockchain. Its an industry that is currently booming with experts predicting by 2020 nearly all new software will contain AI. The role of Artificial Intelligence will increase in our daily lives and the industry is presently worth around 20 billion dollars a year. Much of the cost is spent on computational processing and this is where DeepBrain Chain comes in with the ability to alleviate costs and increase speed by using blockchain technology. Essentially it is a distributed network able to target trends and analyse metrics much to the benefit of the token user.

My purpose for this post is to highlight the enormous potential of this project and I don’t want to get bogged down in the technical jargon and explanations of the product so for more information heres some useful links including a fantastic post by @oxfordcrypto ...

Official Site

So why am I so excited about this project?


Well firstly this is an already working project that boasts over 100 manufacturers using the platform including Microsoft, Samsung and Siemens. Its ICO was launched on the NEO platform and NEO have invested $1M with a further $4.8M from Jinsha River. Seems the big companies see the potential!

The ICO sold out in just 3 and a half hours on Friday with just 980 investors snapping up the tokens at a price of 3000 per NEO. The DBC token is pegged to the NEO price so without the coin even going on exchanges its already almost doubled its dollar value. The speed this ICO sold out is a very good sign!


The reason this project isn’t being heavily marketed is not because of a poor marketing strategy like many of the Asian projects have been guilty of, its literally because its so solid it doesn’t need marketing yet. That proved correct with the speedy ICO sell out. It has already won first prize in a competition featuring 30 of the best AI research Centre teams. People in the industry know the name DeepBrain Chain very well already.

The project also boasts an all star team of super techies with CMO ChuanFeng Lee a lead designer on the ‘smart 360’, a Chinese voice assistant, that predated Amazon Echo by almost a year. 

DBC is already due to be listed on 3 exchanges Huobi, Kucoin and Lbank on the 23rd of December showing a real quick turn around that indicates a non nonsense approach. Although these aren’t top 5 exchanges the reason behind this is to do with nep5 tokens, the tokens on the NEO blockchain not presently being listed on the biggest exchanges. To me this provides a great opportunity while small technical tasks are smoothed out, to acquire more DBC tokens at a reasonable price before it goes parabolic much like IOTA or ADA has recently. I’m a great believer in NEO and feel it will easily take Ethereums place as the major ICO platform within 2018, its just infinitely better technology and so far isn't clogged up with CryptoKitty fur!  

In conclusion then I believe DBC ticks every box of a perfect cryptocurrency investment and in a time when most projects like Electroneum for instance are working frantically to market themselves DBC has been so confident in its ability to be a market leader it has felt no need to join in. This is the only reason that this hidden gem has gone unnoticed, but that won’t last for long. My advice would be to fully research this project and if you like what you see get involved as soon as it hits exchanges ...... while its still the best kept secret in crypto. Its certain in a few weeks time everyone will know the name Deepbrain Chain and investors will be kicking themselves that it went under their noses unnoticed!  



hmm, ill check it out , thanks

Pleasure 🙏🏻

To everyone who got on board .... WELL DONE!!!!! ..... I think this has already proved to be a very profitable pick ...... Stay tuned for more 🙏🏻

Very important news is through your valuable post , thanks for your good post.
please you visit my account @shakirchy

thanks friend 🙏🏻

no doubt deep brain chain will stay on top 50 in 2018

For sure this project has so much potential they will be the leaders in blockchain AI services

I am very excited how well they implement everything that is planned


Highly appreciate you sharing this man! Seems like an investment that at the very least will appreciate through the year. There are plenty of do nothing ones that have anyway (or at least allowed investors with strategy to profit) so I get extra excited about functional ones like this!

Thanks for the positive comment, it makes it worthwhile when someone else can see the potential. This is so under the radar that my steemit post having had over 2000 views is probably more marketing than the team has done 🤣 I hope you get an opportunity to get on board early before it begins to live up to the potential.

Is anyone else relapsing to 90's famous Hollywood cut scenes...? lol
Great insider info here! Thank you.

Thats a pretty cryptic comment my friend I'm not sure i follow but thanks for the support 🙏🏻

Yes, I left it up to the imagination intentionally. Nothing negative, just a "Doomsday A.I." joke... Very welcome G-rat

Ah I think I'm with you lol .... 🤣

I have a couple of comments on your post... first... yes, it is extremely interesting that it is about Artificial Intelligence, and it is extremely interesting that the ICO sold out in three hours, and it is extremely interesting that Microsoft and Samsung and Siemens are already using the platform... but the biggest fish of all in Artificial Intelligence is missing, and that is GOOGLE's Deep Mind....

That does not amount to a strike... but Google is the boss of Artificial Intelligence, without any doubt. Well, let's see if the Rest of the World can dominate in the long run. The Google Deep Mind AI chess program absolutely smashed the previously reigning World Chess Champion Computer Program (Deep Blue) in a 100 game match, 72 games tied, 28 games won by Google. And it did this with only 4 hours of training, learning to play chess, basically by playing against itself.

What I mean is: Google is missing. If Google ever gets excited about DBC, it will skyrocket to the moon. And yes, I would like to be on board...

If Google does NOT get on board with DBC, as I guess that it probably will not, it is still a very powerful platform to have Microsoft and Samsung and others, so, yes, I would like to invest a little bit.

So the second point is: where do I buy it ? "DBC will be listed after Christmas on Huobi, Kucoin, and Lbank ." Today is Christmas... so it will be listed in Huobi, Kucoin, and Lbank soon... Huobi is in Beijing, China... Kucoin is in Hong Kong, China... and I couldn't find where is Lbank...

And third... I thought that China has made IPO's illegal... How can this be happening in China ?

Thank you for bringing this to my (our) attention.

Thanks for the comment ..... I'm a massive fan of decentralising the internet and so I'm a massive critic of Google if I'm honest and feel these big centralised monopolies are under serious threat from their decentralised counterparts. I understand in the current paradigm the big internet companies rule the roost but as a blockchain investor I look into the future and see the disruptive technologies taking over. As such I'm unconcerned about Googles AI because although it may be good at Chess its not run on the Blockchain so its not anywhere near as innovative as the emerging technologies.

DBC is listing on the 3 exchanges mentioned in my post but exact times and dates have been rearranged and there is some confusion. I suggest joining the Telegram group for updates.

Your third point is something many people seem to be confused about. Chinese citizens were not allowed to participate in the ICO and thats why there was a KYC phase. US citizens were also ineligible. These technologies are global, Neo for instance is often referred to as 'the Ethereum of China' but in reality it's a threat to Ethereum globally. Apple is a US company and is global. The only difference here is Chinese citizens cannot participate in the buying stage of ICOs but Chinese tech companies are nevertheless at the forefront of the innovation. Its my belief this will be resolved in 2018 as China would not want to risk its standing in the world of technological innovation. Really though all it means is that Chinese Tech is getting its Venture capital from non Chinese citizens.

Thanks for the interesting feedback much appreciated.

The good projects let the tech do the marketing for them. If the underlying technology and idea is good it will market itself.

Exactly as the post says. Thanks for the comment.

sounds like golem but better. and golem is my favorite so far

Yeah i agree i still hold a few Golem and its had some updates recently and a little surge in value. DBC is a fully developed company already though with a rich client base so although it shares some principal characteristics with Golem i think as an investment its incomparable.

Looks very interesting! Will have to read up on it and scoop up some when it hit the exchanges. You should check out this new social media platform called Sola Looks very good, think this can rise with Steemit since they are totally different

Thanks for the info i will certainly check it out 🙏🏻

Buen post , gracias te seguire <3

You genius picture I like it and good post👊👍

Thank you man 🙏🏻

Why is it every ad for an ICO claims to be the best ICO? Is like the automotive industry where every mid-size car (Chevy, Toyota, Hyundai) is the best selling car in its class?

Here we go another genius who thinks they are smart because they can think of a metaphor 🤣 . If you don't feel this ICO stands out on merit then address the specifics, show me one with more potential? I don't need to 'advertise' anything my friend I have simply developed a good eye for a project and feel this is an opportunity worth sharing with people who have supported me on Steemit.

If you insist on reducing things down to childlike metaphors then understand there is a big difference between driving a lambourghini to driving your Hyundai my friend and the reason your in the cheap cars is because you clearly can't tell the difference!

Wow! :applause: With so much attention, I’m not sure where to start. How about asking you stick around? It seems I can easily get your attention, follow me, plenty more where that came from.
Your whole entire top paragraph, actually, for someone who used the word “childlike,” that entire top paragraph seems.. well... you know.
What do you mean by ‘if I Insist on...?’ Have we met before or something? Answer: No.
Tell you what.. pretend for a minute you’re not the genius ICO guy just pretend and instead, you’re someone like.... me! And all you really “know” about ICO’s is what I-C-O stands for. So you find another post, this time by @gamma-rat and ask a question: (refer above - it’s how this started)
Instead of a response that balances somewhere between logical and friendly, I get all that?! Um.. Uh What? Did I miss something?
And I never compared a Lamborghini to a Hyundai, my friend (right? you called me your friend twice), that’s your analogy, I was merely comparing ‘mid size cars,’ remember? You wouldn’t really compare a Lamborghini to a Hyundai, would you? You were just using that as a metaphor hu? ‘Night! Remind me not to ask you shiiinnything.
Hey, was that you that Upvoted me just now? Thanks!
Your You’re in the cheap cars (but you knew that too).

Lets make this simple, you decided to make a negative comment on my breakdown of an ICO, please tell me specifically what you don't like about the project, and as you feel it's like every other ICO please include a list of projects that you feel are superior?

Otherwise I dont really understand 90% of what you just wrote but yes i still upvoted you I like to support steemit users with my 14 cents of power 🤣

Ya, sorry. All I have is 3 cents. But you got em all! (Don’t spend em all in one place!) Coinmarketcap, reddit, here, everywhere there’s something saying it’s the best ICO or maybe it’s just me. Maybe only my phone has ads like that everywhere I go. I already said i know what it stands for and that’s about it, why would I talk about specifics? all I said was.... never mind!

Sounds like you don’t know what your talking about when it comes to crypto so it’s probably best not to say anything at all ! Or Maybe ask the question “I keep seeing this is the best ico so tell me why it is better than A,B and C” and then you might learn something 👍

I’ve never followed a designated format when it comes to asking questions. But if it works for you then by all means, run with it.
How many of you is there now, just the 2 of you? Ok! Well fellas, it’s a good thing I left my internet feelings on the counter with all my ico knowledge cuz you guys would’ve crushed them by now. “Whew!” I could surf a couple pages and take several screen shots about “the best ICO in 2018” but posting them here would take way too much space and besides.. we’ve all seen them.
see how I Upvoted you? Wink!

ok you are invithireetedmu s