EOS, STRATIS, and ETHEREUM; What are the major difference? Which one is the best?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians, 

I would like to see everyone's thoughts on the 3 platforms and which one you think is the best. 



  •  creator of Bitshares and Steem, he is working on the EOS project that will be launched soon. 
  • EOS is an operating system for the creation of smart apps which allow user to create apps easier 
  • No transaction fees 
  • faster than ethereum and a greater scalability? 


  • similar to Ethereum except they use C# which is a more commonly  used programming language that most programmers know and thus allow companies to easily transition. While ethereum uses solidity (a brand new language) 


  • building decentralized applications with solidity 

Ethereum has already proven to be serious , they are being backed by major companies and have the second largest market cap. This constant emergence of new platforms are starting to worry me because everyone of them keeps claiming to be better than the one before. How far can we go? I mean how could we feel safe in investing in something when tomorrow a better technology will arise and everyone will dump their money for the new technology. 

I am trying to be open minded and am willing to see different perspectives. 


hands down, none of them ist the "best" right now... If I had to choose a crypto asset today I would go with AntShares/Neo and as far as a currency goes BTC or Dash :D

But to answer your question on this topic here: Stratis

Clear use case, no centralization or danger of a hardfork ahead and especially no scammy ico!

Would you say Bitcoin and Dash are the safest investments when it comes to the crypto market?

First of all I would say there is no "safe" investment in the crypto space, second of all what do you mean by that... safest to make profit, or safest to not loose value?

I would say Bitcoin and Dash are more resilient against manipulation but not safe at all in terms of volatiliy compared to more conservative investments (:

Oh yea for sure! The safest investment in my opinion is land but even that has it's risks, lol. I know safe was not the best word choice to use. What I meant was; if you will gamble in putting your money in a cryptocurrency and hold it for the long-term, which one would you chose to risk your money in :D?

The safest one is LTC, imo.

I wouldn't choose only one... and I would wait until August, but after that I guess most of my investment would still go to Bitcoin... I mean it's a no brainer until the next halving in 2020 (:

I have money invested in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stratis, Basic Attention Token, and Steem. I bought Ethereum when it was $8 and I had over a thousand dollars of Ethereum at that low price but right before it exploded i cashed out and left only like around 50 bucks and then i come back in a few months and I see over a thousand dollars in my coinbase account :D ... i got so pissed that I didn't leave more money in there

By the way why is everyone talking about August? What is so special about August?

The BTC miners need to come to an agreement to use segwit. If they do not agree, there will be a coin-split bascially creating 2 different bitcoin types. This could hurt the value of a bitcoin. Aug 1 is the date Segwit needs to be implemented by.

I'm pretty sure we'll know something by July 6th or so about how its going to go down.

For me, Bitcoin and EOS will be number one.

EOS certianly has an ambitious goal.

Btw I live in the same city as you do ;)@jerrybanfield care to make a youtube video about this topic?

I'm intrigued with Stratis since we are ahead of our time with Ethereum. I need to see EOS asap =D

Likewise my friend! :D

EOS will be number 1.

If what they say really is true, I think it will be too

I think 0x will make ethereum top dawg