Introducing Steemians (Edition 25) - German Anarchist in Acapulco

Steemian of the Day (Edition 25)

Dear Steemians - edition No. 25 of Steemian of the Day is presenting a German guy that decided to emigrate to Mexico. Someone with a lot of bravery. Here a short biography he put together for us:

  • 23 years old, just finished studies of Management, Philosophy & Economics
  • Trying to be a Digital Nomad in Mexico
  • Convinced anarchist using the Non-Aggression Principle
  • Burning free-market economist (following Von Mises and Rothbard)
  • Longboard, Powerlifting and all sports excluding balls :-)
  • Steemit is to me the perfect opportunity to express myself and to even earn money by being myself perfekte Möglichkeit
  • Crypto addict - seeing the market as "bearish"
  • Favourite crypto currencies: $BTC, $UBQ, $XMR, $BTS and obviously $Steem
  • Cryptos to me are the market(s) that reclaimed money from governments. Cryptos are unstoppable. The end of Governments and Fiat currencies is near. I have no sympathy towards administrative parasites
  • Producing Videos on YouTube Videos via AlexGoesPrimal
  • Running another Steemit project as @adventurehealing together with my fellow traveller. We produce videos, podcasts and steemit posts about anarchy, philosophy, non-violent communication, health, freedom and other topics linked to our libertarian brains 😉

Please say Hello to @AlexAnarcho

One further interesting point is his ambitious aim - Alex wants to become The Steemian to first achieve 1 million followers - let us support him to realize this.

Some of his great posts in the following:

Workout Video

Non-Violent Communication post

Arrival in Mexico

Nominate the Next Steemian of the Day

Please feel free to nominate other Steemians that match the category German or Beer you think need to get their own personal appreciation post. That can be anyone not limited to any Steemit reputation or other stage.



garzie ;)

great post looking for more.

love your user name ;D follow me for frequent high quality posts

Anarchisten an die Macht! :-)@alexanarcho hat ein interessantes Profil, das für Steemit eine weitere Bereicherung darstellt. Ich bin fasziniert von Menschen, die einen absolut individuellen Lebensentwurf haben und damit erfolgreich sind. Ich bin mir sicher, er wird auch mit Steemit Erfolg haben.

He du! Danke man! Das motiviert sowas zu hören. Als ich noch in Deutschland war habe ich immer fieberhaft nach Leuten gesucht die das machen was ich jetzt mache. Ich fülle also meine eigene Nachfrage 😂.

Und anarchisten an die Macht? Hahaha, ich würde sagen:

jedes Individuum an die Macht für sein eigenes Leben!!


Mit Mut und Blockchain volle Kraft voraus! All the best to @AlexAnarcho !

Chuuuchuuuu, spring auf den Zug bevor er abfährt ;D

mutiger Lebensgang, der sich auch hoffentlich finanziell langsam aber sicher auszahlt!
Bezüglich: "Burning free-market economist (following Von Mises and Rothbard)"
Welche Bücher empfiehlst du?

Ich würde hiermit anfangen: - Rothbard bringt es wirklich gut auf den Punkt. Ist spot on in seiner Analyse und versteht Wirtschaft.

Ansonsten: "It's a Jetson's World - Jeffrey Tucker", "The Creature of Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin"

Nice Pics!
I hereby nominate

Thanks - is @frankbacon German or write in German or what is his relation / link to the topic - or is he a Beer expert?