Definitely! And the scary part is that most of the machines are still being produced :( Even bigger difficulty incoming...
Same here,bought a few at around $45 and now im smiling :D...I use 9x R9 380's that give me around 500H/s per card...not that much,but quite decent profitability with the latest prices.
Very nice!! Did you build your mining rig yourself? And did you do a comparative profitability analysis when making decision to mine Monero vs. mining other coins on your GPUs?
My cloud-mining contract with Genesis Mining is just 110 MH/s for Monero. But I bought when it was dirt-cheap and it already paid for itself. I just wish I invested more in it, haha!
Oh, I should tell my friend who has a powerful gaming desktop that he should try mining Monero too!
Mining Zcash is a bit more profitable,but XMR looks like it has some potential,so I thought to mine a bit more of it while its still easy to get :D
110MH/s is a nice amount!Im upset that I didnt buy some hashing power while I had the chance :D
…and, on the topic of the X11 difficulty increase: I’m just really glad that Baikal’s machines can mine on other algos, like X13, X14, X15, Quark and Qubit. It’s my only hope to stay competitive with it – by mining other coins on other algos and converting the earnings into Dash.
Definitely,mining other cryptos and excganging for some Dash is the best option now :)