Hey @kevinwong and @dana-edwards! I've been following your posts regarding this coin and I'm having trouble understading if AGRS is the same as TML. If I buy this coin, will it be the coin you are both discussing? https://wallet.bitshares.org/#/market/OPEN.AGRS_BTS
Sadly, I've already missed that $0.9 price but am interested in picking some up if you can please confirm.
Yes, it is. AGRS is going to be built using TML.
I'm not sure if open.agrs is the real deal on bts?
Openledger has a bridge that allows you to deposit/withdraw from other sources. There isn't enough volume on BTS DEX for me to buy at "market" price so I'm buying on Bittrex and sending to DEX before the 9th. Thanks to both of you!
Who's holding the actual AGRS then? I mean the custodian.. no problem @gmikeyg, glad you're excited about the project as well :)
Hey @kevinwong sorry for the slow response. OL is built on top of Bitshares so it is a distributed exchange. Looks like today is the last day to buy AGRS on Bittrex. The price is up actually so I'm only going to take my current (small) position. Hoping it drops down to .something85 again before the end of the day...
Thanks again for turning me on to this one. I'd love to work on the logos but my two kids have got me way too busy at the moment. I would personally be looking into a mirror concept to denote the self compiling compiler in case you are thinking about doing an entry. There are plenty of layout/indicator ideas here https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=702&ei=q4NfWpbXKdTWjwOPlI_QAQ&btnG=Search&q=mirror+icon&oq=k+pop&gs_l=img.3.6.0l6j0i10k1j0j0i10k1j0.640.1591.0.8599.
It's until end of the month so you have time ;) woah that's a trippy idea! lol