Great post and thanks for sharing these useful links best adviced I've heard about ICOs is:
- Does the website look good?
- Does the white paper look good?
Your a tech company looking for millions of dollars with only 2 requirements. If you can't make both those look great chances are you shouldn't invest in the ICO.
Was hoping to be the 1000th follower, but only # 997.
I agree that the website and whitepaper are a big clue whether an ICO is serious or not. I do tend to dig a little deeper though, the scammers are getting really creative these days. ICOs are earning millions and that's attracting a lot of attention.Hey @gniksivart, thanks man. Yup waiting anxious to get that 1k milestone. Have been checking my phone none stop today. Oh well at least I know what my post tomorrow is going to be :)
Agreed the scammers are getting better, but just saying if either one of those is a bad then just don't do it.
Yup, those are major red flags. BTW love what you are doing with the buried treasures posts!
Congrats on the 1000 sad I wasn't the first to congratulate
No Problem, you are still one of the first 10 persons to congratulate me so this comment gets.......
O and thanks for the encouragement on the buried treasure posts. It takes some time going through and finding good ones, but comments like this make it worth it.