Gobaba.com Update Report - 06.08.2018

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Dear Gobaba community,

We are back with another Gobaba.com update report that we cover the 2 weeks long updates & additions to our platform and revealing our upcoming news & updates. You can read the last update report here.

Visit Gobaba to check the latest updates 👉 http://bit.ly/steemit-my

Announcements & Campaigns & Competitions

  • Discord Competition  Results - We've finished distributing our Discord Competition rewards. If you have participated and still not received your rewards, you can write our Discord admin ("Gobaba | ME") on Discord or send an email to [email protected] with your Discord id and KYC completed Gobaba email address.

  • We are still looking for Local Community Managers to help us expand our global reach. If you are interested, you can read the details about the job posting and forward your application from the link below


What happened during the last 2 weeks

  • STEEM Deposit Activation  -  We've been working hard to activate STEEM mainnet and STEEM wallet deposit functionality. Now you can deposit STEEMs to your Gobaba STEEM wallet. We also prepared a helper video on how to deposit STEEM to your Gobaba STEEM wallet from your Steemit STEEM wallet. Check out here:

  • Fee payments with GBB-  This has been one of the most requested features by many of you! Another major update we have completed is to activate GBBs to be used for both crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat payment fees.

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  • New listings (HOT & OmiseGo) -  We have listed two new altcoins based on our community feedbacks and Twitter votings that we've recently started. 2 weeks ago, we've added OmiseGo and last week Holochain (HOT) token is added to our platform and currently open to trading on BTC/OMG and BTC/HOT pairs. Trade on!

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  • New deposit method (Peppara) - We have added a new payment method called Peppara for TRY wallets. You can connect your credit card on Peppara and start depositing to your Gobaba TRY wallet through Peppara. The minimum deposit amount for this deposit type is 200₺ and the fee is set at 2.99%
    Visit Peppara here: https://www.peppara.com/

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  • Referral Program Update - The referral program used to be available only for registered users. We now have completed the redesign and added invitation via email and new visualization for referred users on the new referral dashboard. You can check out the new referral program here: https://www.gobaba.com/products/referral-program

  • Status Page - We have created a Status page for our users to follow any unforeseen incidents and to check the live status of different Gobaba statuses. You can check out the current Gobaba Status here: http://gobaba.com/status

  • Bug fixes & Performance Improvements - We have fixed several bugs & and increased the overall system performance.

What are we building next?

  • New listings - Starting from IOST we will add new listings to Gobaba (~~~ embed:1024639708654125061) you can head up to coin request page of Gobaba community to send your favorite coin to be added to Gobaba 👉 http://community.gobaba.com/coin-requests twitter metadata:R29iYWJhRXhjaGFuZ2V8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vR29iYWJhRXhjaGFuZ2Uvc3RhdHVzLzEwMjQ2Mzk3MDg2NTQxMjUwNjEpIHlvdSBjYW4gaGVhZCB1cCB0byBjb2luIHJlcXVlc3QgcGFnZSBvZiBHb2JhYmEgY29tbXVuaXR5IHRvIHNlbmQgeW91ciBmYXZvcml0ZSBjb2luIHRvIGJlIGFkZGVkIHRvIEdvYmFiYSDwn5GJIGh0dHA6Ly9jb21tdW5pdHkuZ29iYWJhLmNvbS9jb2luLXJlcXVlc3RzfA== ~~~

  • Stop-loss function for Trading Module - With a bit of delay, we still plan to add Stop-Loss function to our trading module. If you have any favourite trading functionality that you think it would be useful to add, you can tell us on Feature Request section -> http://community.gobaba.com/feature-requests

  • New deposit methods - We are planning to add several new deposit methods for both EUR and TRY fiat wallets. For TRY wallets, the main focus will be to bring the BANK TRANSFER option to back and for EUR wallet, it will be several country-specific new payment methods.

  • Wallet functionalities  - As we started activating deposit functionalities with STEEM, we are now working on activation for the other altcoin wallets listed on Gobaba as well. We are working hard to start opening an Ethereum market through ETH pairs. Once we opened it, most of the altcoins that can be traded on BTC pairs will also be available through ETH pairs.

  • Gobaba Checkout & Cryptopayments - Another major workload that we plan to put forward is for one of our products Gobaba Checkout and make crypto payments available for the businesses planning to start accepting digital currency payments. If you are a business owner who plans to integrate crypto payments to your platform. You can contact us on the following form for your inquiries and early applicant FOR FREE.


Based on your feedbacks, we will be fixing various bugs. We're always listening to you. If you ever have any coin, feature requests, feedbacks and bug findings, feel free to let us know on Gobaba Community.

Join Gobaba community

Stay tuned for news & updates and join us to start trading safely and securely!