What does "NO" really mean?

This is my first steemit post!
I was born a boomer in USA mid 1950's! Was just young enough to miss the Viet Nam draft. Smoked my first doobie in the late 60's and been an outlaw ever since!
I entered the cryptocurrency world a little over 9 months ago! And in this brief time have learned much about cypto, mostly on my own by trial and error with emphasis on errors and fixing them.
There has been a particular problem that was plaguing me and took a long time and lots of thought to finally pinpoint and remedy which I am struggling to name and describe which could be referred to as a "design flaw" or a "bug" with cryptocurrences. I racked my brain many a night not knowing exactly what the problem really was other than I simply COULD NOT ACCESS MY COINS in wallets I had downloaded and setup on my computers and smartphones. And even though I have discovered a remedy I cannot explain the underlying technical principles other than referring you to read about Unicode Encoding Schemes at http://www.unicode.org/glossary/
Perhaps it is best to just explain the remedy itself rather than trying to explain the problem.
So here goes:

If you CAN'T UNLOCK YOUR WALLET, try "typing your password by hand instead of copy and paste".

Believe it or not, in a nutshell that's all there is to it! This little "trick" has unlocked wallets for me in several cases. There is also a reverse case I still have where instead of typing I have to copy and paste my password because it was generated by an app which used a character which I do not recognize and cannot see on my keyboard and therefore cannot enter by hand from my keyboard keys leaving as the only other option copy and paste.

Happy New Year 2018 from Godzilla Roader!


What happens if I comment on my own old post?


This was the very first post I ever made on this platform and I did not know about the "introduce yourself" tradition for your first post. I still consider myself quite ignorant on how to use this platform! I am not ignorant about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin.

My confidence in the future success of this platform depends on how well I can learn to use it.

How am I doing?

You are







In review I possibly don’t suck as bad as I thought and everything I have ever posted is still here! And no charge. I guess it stays here as long as the blockchain? I’ll figure out how to use steemit yet!