Attendance website is 1 062 893 in the World, 727 144 in Japan, 18 513 place in the category "Computers & electronics / Software"
Has a clearly negative trend in driving traffic. In the period from July'17 to Dec'17 the attendance of the website has decreased with 40 to 20 971 762 (-65.47%).
In December 2017. committed 36 425 visits. A visitor in an average session looks at 3.09 page(s) and conducts on site 2 minute(s) 36 second(s). The bounce rate is 46.05%.
The most popular site is in Japan, attracting of this country are 43.00% of the traffic.
The structure of sources of traffic: most traffic is "Direct/Zakl." (52.38%), the second largest "Organ. search" (30.76%), followed by "Search" (30.76%), and "Referrals" (13.87%), then "" (2.99%) and in last place "Banners" with a share of 0.00%
I don't know who you are or how you got all this information but that was quite deep and amazingly fasyt analysis, I kind of feel I was reading a computer reply at first lol XD