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RE: 😮 Facebook Bans All Cryptocurrency Ads 😤

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

nice piece of work and i want try to discuss one topic
As you wrote in the article, facebook did a ban for crypto advertising. Some people say that it is good because in the crypto world there is so much money frauds, scams or ponzi sh...., . My question is since when facebook and its CEO are taking care of peoples money????

I am definitely sure that this crypto ban has a secon bottom. It is so obvius that it is always about money. CEO of facbook just saw how many benefits are offered by steemit and other social media websites who are based on blockchain. Under the cover of safety and security of people before scams and money frauds there is a private business of not giving facebook clients to the others who may pay them for their sharing as Steemit etc. :).

Am I right ?