Whoppercoin, Yes it's Real

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

^ Unfortunately the Tankburger is excluded from the deal

According to the official Burger King (Russia) website, Burger King will launch its own cryptocurrency called Whoppercoin.

Crediting the Waves platform, Burger King in Russia will launch its blockchain-based 'loyalty platform' for its Russian restaurants.

^ Waves

How It Works

1 Ruble = 1 Whoppercoin
1,700 Whoppercoins = 1 Whopper
1 Ruble/1 Whoppercoin = $0.017 USD ⟶ $28.9 USD per Whopper

Basically, you spend one Ruble on your order and get one Whoppercoin.
So far one billion Whoppercoins are in circulation.

^ Screenshot from official site.

Manual Conversion

“Буркер Кинг Россия” также выпустит мобильное приложение для операций с вопперкоинами. Оно появится в Apple Store и Google Play в течение месяца.

До этого времени валюту будут перечислять вручную. Для получения следует отправить на [email protected] скан чека и номер кошелька на Waves.

This roughly translates to "Burger King Russia is also launching a mobile app for using Whoppercoins. It'll show up in the Apple Store and Google Play this month" (likely meaning the month of September). "Until that time the transactions will be counted manually. To receive (your Whoppercoins) you are to scan and send a copy of your receipt to [email protected] and your Waves wallet address."

What do Russians think about all this?

^ Random Russian mining forum

Директора местных бургер кингов озолотятся на чеках которые оставляют обжоры, будут топ майнерами.

"The directors of local Burger Kings will get rich on the receipts left behind by fatasses, they'll be top miners".

Going to go ahead and assume this is exactly what will happen.


So there you go folks, visit a Russian Burger King restaurant, save your receipt, scan that shit and you'll eventually accumulate your $29 burger.

Go to the text box on the bottom
Type in @guiltyparties


Yes like that but with burgers and save your receipt.

wow its cool food

So, is whoppercoin a decentralized blockchain currency... or just a discount coupon code basically? are there whoppercoin miners? Or are they basically doing free marketing on the back of blockchain news hype?
edit: oh wait, I get it now.. it's on Waves. Hmmm. If more companies start doing this, will it increase the price of Waves?

I don't think there are miners but it is a legitimate token. Up here in Canada we've got Canadian Tire Money, which is basically the same thing but in traditional monetary form.

I dream that one day, I will be able to buy a house with Whoppercoins, Tire Money or Dogecoins.
What a day that will be.

Especially Dogecoins.

Lmao A 28 dollar whopper... Damm I complained when they went over 2 dollars hell I remember they would have specials when they where only a dollar.. I guess I'm old This just cracks me up. It just can't be real.

By the time it makes its way to North America it'll be double most likely.