Cryptocurrency and Should You Invest?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Why You Should Invest in Cryptocurreny

The best thing to do is have a strategy. You really don’t want to miss out on cryptocurrency and block-chain technology.

It’s not really about investing in coins. It’s more so do you believe that cryptocurrency and block-chain are the future.
I believe it’s the future! So for the next 3 years I will invest heavily into cryptocurrency and the technology behind it and also learn, learn, learn more about it. I will then wait to see how things are shaping out after 3 years. If cryptocurrency is not moving the way I truly believe it will move (to the moon), then I will move on to more traditional assets and investments but at least I am still in the cryptocurrency game.


So my advice is at least get in the game with a couple hundred bucks or grand. I am starting with 3k and won’t miss it a lick. I mean the risk is worth it to me. I really am big on cryptocurrency and the technology behind it. It’s like falling in love with the invent of computers back in 1960 or something. So don’t be scared to invest.
Put some money in, leave it and just see what happens because the upside is to promising.

Don’t be that person that knew about cryptocurrency but never invested in it, please don’t! Life will be Hell and simply miserable. I’d rather throw a couple hundred dollars away now into cryptocurrency and it not work out as suppose to knowing a $300 investment today could have netted me $1 million R.O.I (return on investment)in the near future. As for me, I’m all the way in!

5 Reasons I became a Cryptocurrency Believer. blockchain-3227785_960_720.jpg

1. The Death of Money.

“The Death of Money” Is one of three books that sits atop my dresser drawer in my room. One of the other books is called “The Road to Ruin.” Yes, I am one of those believers who think physical money isn’t going to be around much longer. Call, me crazy, but that's just my intuition getting the best of me I guess. I have little faith in 401K’s and I am losing trust in social security as it is structured today. The way I live now can’t be supported by social security anyway. I am not saying that I need much, but I need something at the very least to survive on and I don’t see it coming through social security. So as you can see I had begun to lose trust in physical money. By physical money, I mean the US dollar. What I did was devise a plan. I began to focus my attention on how I could generate wealth quickly so that I could hedge against what I thought was the dying US dollar. The one idea that came to mind was the stock market.

2. Penny Stocks and Day Trading.

Penny stocks and day trading is what I focused on. To me the stock market was the easiest way to generate wealth quickly. Boy was I wrong! After losing a substantial amount of money to it, I had to rethink my strategy. I began binge watching YouTube videos on “how day trading works” and on “how to invest in penny stocks.” Then I came across this website,, ran by Mubarrack Shaw. The strategy he taught on his website made trading penny stocks seem so simple and almost risk-free. He was so easy to understand. So I followed his program and started watching his videos. One day, out of the blue, he did a video interview with a guest host about ICO’s.

3. ICO’s.

ICO stands for “initial coin offering.”Now mind you, this is the first time I have ever heard of the term ICO. Little did I know, that video I mentioned earlier, would change my perspective on investing, money and my future forever. I learned that ICO’s were similar to or just an offshoot of IPO’s, an initial public offering. IPO’s are when companies or businesses go public on the stock market after acquiring initial investments from venture capitalist for money to invest in a new publicly traded company. ICO’s are the acquiring of capital from early crypto investors into a cryptocurrency, a.k.a altcoins, in hopes that the value of said coin increases due to the further development in it’s technology.
DEFINITION of ‘Initial Coin Offering (ICO)’ An unregulated means by which funds are raised for a new cryptocurrency venture. … In an ICO campaign, a percentage of the cryptocurrency is sold to early backers of the project in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies, but usually for Bitcoin.

4. Cryptocurrency a.k.a altcoins.


Cryptocurrency a.k.a altcoins simply put is, any digital currency (coin or token) other than Bitcoin. Look, the first time I heard about Bitcoin, which is the inspiration for all other cryptocurrency, was from my barber about three years ago. Then every so often my brother would make mention of it here and there. I really thought it was just another trade-able stock or company. However, much to my surprise, I was wrong, again! Come to find out, Bitcoin was it’s own legitimate, Yes! legitimate currency backed by it’s community (i.e. the people). See, Bitcoin is a digital currency that gains value through the process of mining and other details that I won’t get into. For the sake of this article, I won’t get into mining either and just focus on the title at hand.

I just didn’t want to hear about Bitcoin, period. I heard about all the success it was having. I couldn’t stand it because I viewed myself as somewhat of an investor and thought the concept of Bitcoin wouldn’t sustain itself. I continued to ignore it and focused on learning more about penny stocks and day trading. Even though, those things were heavily backed by what I thought was the failing US dollar, I continued to pursue them.

One day my brother came over to my place and started talking about a cryptocurreny named Ripple. See at that time, I was only aware of Bitcoin.
So in my mind, I was thinking what the heck is Ripple. At the time I really didn’t want to hear about cryptocurrency because I was days away from starting my own day trading home business. He continued to tell me about it though and I continued to tune him out, like I often do.

I love my brother but sometimes he can become a bit redundant. Now, I then came to the realization that there was more than one digital currency out there. After seeing the ICO interview on and hearing about Ripple from my brother, I was slowly becoming even the more interested in cryptocurrency. Then one day a trip to the barbershop solidified that interest.

  1. My Trip to the Barber.


My trip to the barbershop was a life changing experience. Now I’m not going to lie, this experience was born out of arrogance. You see, I knew my barber, Lamont, was an investor in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. I wanted to seem knowledgeable on that stuff that day so I asked him about Ripple. You should have seen the gleam in his eyes! He said, “I got that. That’s a good one.” I felt good actually. We got to talking more about the technology and the culture behind digital currency and how it could change the world.

See I believe that our current money, the US dollar is way to centralized. When anything that massive is centralized, it is easy for corruption and bias to influence it’s value. I started to understand that digital currency, because of it’s decentralization, can become a more secure and trustworthy currency. I mean, what is the dollar backed by? Most people would say gold. I would say to those people, where is the gold? Have you seen it? I haven’t! That is the argument about digital currency; what is it backed by? The answer is, digital currency is backed by the same thing the dollar is backed by, people!

I learned that digital currency can become a more secure and a more trustworthy currency without the middle man like a loan officer or a bank or realtor or a car salesperson. Cryptocurrency is geared to be a peer-2-peer type of transaction without a middle-man. It is as simple as me giving you a dollar, and you give me an apple in return. All verified through a signature process. I started to believe that cryptocurrency would over take physical money in the future. I had finally found it. A legitimate replacement for physical money.

This is what I was looking for! The death of the dollar and the beginning of the cryptocurrency age. That was it, I was finally a believer in Cryptocurrency!

I hope every enjoyed this, I truly do because I enjoyed sharing with all! Now why do you invest in cryptocurrency?

Please share your thoughts with us!


@gumbotrader why most of crypto trader always use this word TO THE MOOn why not TO the earth or price is going to sink This word to the moon stolen big money from our pockets Look at Steem price from 8$ to 2$ .

Lol. We believe it will go back up

And soon it is at 16$ and i will laugh^^

One thing you invest in cryptocurrencies make sure you only invest part of your money that you can afford to lose. To find the right token check their website and the community; are they actively developing their platform, you can check their github contribution if theirs a lot of contributor therefore that community is active and have potential. :)

Nice article. I don't you should of used upvote bots. I totally agree with a bunch of your points. Namely the death of money. I think it's a good bet to throw it in. Less than 1% of people own any crptocurrency. Most people can't invest much because they're so broke! I like how you got into day trading. Everyone did and broke even or lost money. Traders like Tim Sykes make most of their money through selling subscriptions, not trading profits. I think it's interesting your barber is investing in bitcoin/ripple. does that mean we are in a bubble or adoption phase? Only time will tell. Thanks for the article.

A great post very interesting. Your reasons for getting into crypto are similar to many peoples, mine own included to some degree.

Max Keiser put me on to Bitcoin and then I began educating myself. Bitcoin and crypto came out of the 2008 economic crash which proved, if any was needed, that our current economic system is broken and acts as a gigantic wealth transfer mechanism - taking from the 99% and giving to the 1%. No amount of tinkering or reforms were going to chnage this for the better. Now we have crypto and don't need the banks, insurance companies and all the other intermediaries that steal from us in different ways.
Crypto then offers ordinary people the chance to become their own bank and take control over their financial destiny.
Besides this, there is the enormous potential for blockchain powered digital assets which will transform most sectors of our society over the next decade or so.
You could play it safe and put all your money in a bank. But why settle for miserly returns plus you are supporting the very system that is keeping you down. Carefully investing some of your hard earned cash into crypto will pay off in so many different ways including helping to make the world a better place. Sounds too good to be true!

An article about why one should invest in cryptos and no mention of Lambos :)

For me personally these downturns are opportunities for an accumulation phase . The golden rule is never get emmotional with investments. Due dilligence not fomo( fear of missing out) will generate the highest returns. "the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets." Scared money dont make money!

I am happy to see, read and enjoy your post amazingly innovative. Thanks for sharing.

I really appreciate that and thank you! Best of luck

look close with an open mind with what this new concept is doing with open source Ethereum ERC-20 smart contracts, decentralized exchange and passive income.

You have received an upvote from @nicestbot. I am an automated curation bot trying to make minnows happy.

ICOs are an interesting topic. Probably one of the ways to make the biggest ROI but also the riskiest. There are so many icos that come out that are obvious scams! But there are hidden gems just need to do alot of research

I must agree. Please be careful out there with ICO's because a lot of them are scams but the hidden gems are definitely out there too!

More risk = more return. Even alot of the legitimate icos that are promising dont get off the ground unfortunately

My brother saw crypto currencies about 4 years ago when bitcoin was in the cents and he told us about it was about $18,000. It sucks to know that we could be millionaires.

Yea there are a lot of stories out there like yours but I think this industry is still in it's infancy so we can still leverage and make gobs and gobs of money.

i trust in Crypto and it will surely recover

Simplest rule of thumb when investing in crypto: Utility drives value.

Don't think too much about the hype or fud, just concentrate on what the fundamentals are and whether you think they add value to yours and other people's lives.

Nice post gumbotrader.
Have a look at my post about why people should care about crypto when you get some time.

We love your point! You shouldn't invest in cryptocurrency because it is the latest craze, but because you truly believe in the technology behind it. If you agree, we think you will enjoy some of our discussion posts such as, “Will cryptocurrency replace fiat currency?” and “Cryptocurrency and blockchain, an alternative to a debt-based, trust-dependent, financial system.”