Let's Mine Mithril coin!
Hello! There are many crypto coins that I have been investing in based on my experience. Today, I would like to introduce the mining of 'Mithril coin', which is SNS-oriented cryptocurrency similar to Steemit.
If you are interested in cryptocurrency, you have been heard about Mithril coin, which was newly listed in korean exchange 'bithumb' experiencing 100-fold price increase and decrease recently.
We can mine Mithril coin by uploading pictures on an app called 'Lit' and getting rewarded by others likes, similar to creating posts on steemit to mine and get a voting reward. Lit is currently available as a beta version.
Here, 'Lit' means 'Great!' or 'Awesome!', which is a commonly used slang in the United States.
Signing up was easy with Facebook. I was embarrassed that I did not have any friends when I first logged in and did not have any uploaded photos. So I searched and added some friends by clicking on the magnifying glass.
The main buttons in the Lit app have the following features:
It seemed that there was no big deal to use Lit owing to its simple interface.
Upload and Reward systems are simple. Just take picture, add words, and get 'lit' for 24 hours. I uploaded 6 pictures from now on and successfully mined 0.085 MITH. Because 1 MITH is $1 now, I could mine less than 9 cents.
Compared to Steemit, uploading and mining process felt simple, but mining rewards were much less. While Steemit is unable to edit the posts after one week, the photos uploaded in Lit after 24 hours were completely erased. Compared to Enlte, a kind of social media token, it looked better to communicate with people all over the world, not just limited in the specific region. And chatting (messaging) function seemed nice.
If you are interested in investing in Mithril coin, please try to use Lit first and encourage you to make a judgment. Thanks for reading :-)
아하 미스릴이 그런것이었군요... 배우고 갑니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 다들 미스릴미스미릴해서 뭔지도 모르고 듣고 있었는데 ^^;; 보팅과 팔로우 합니다 ^^ 좋은하루되세요 ^^
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미스릴 다시 해봐야되나봐요...글 너무 잘읽고 갑니다.
I think Mithril is similar to Steemit. Is it right?
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