✅ How to Convert "Real Money" (Fiat) Into SmartCash ✅

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

A beginner guide for those wanting to get into Crypto but not sure how to start!

And before y'all come at me in the comments, saying things like:

I know, I know, I get it! But once upon a time (well like just over 2 months ago) I was a noob too didn't know what the word fiat meant. I saw it on Steemit and had to ask Google for a definition.

So that's why this is a guide on how to convert "Real Money", "Fiat", "Paper currency" or whatever else you want to call it into cryptocurrencies like SmartCash.

Step 1: Create a CoinBase Account.

It is pretty straightforward to set up a Coinbase account. You just need to head to https://www.coinbase.com and click Sign Up. You will be asked to verify your e-mail and also your ID by taking a photo of it!

Step 2: Buy Bitcoin on CoinBase.

For this, I have opened the CoinBase App on iPhone, showing the prices in AUD, and I have selected 'Buy'

You now choose between buying either Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. To purchase SmartCash today I am going to buy with Bitcoin

You will enter the amount you want to purchase and confirm the transfer, seeing the payment method selected.

Step 3: Transfer to Cryptopia!

To buy Smartcash with Bitcoin you can set up an account on Cryptopia, which will take around 2 minutes and just requires e-mail verificaition. Go to: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz

Click on the B in the top right of the screen and click 'Deposit'

Select that you want to Deposit Bitcoin

This screen gives you the deposit address for your cryptopia wallet, which you will need to copy to clipboard to paste into your Coinbase app.

Return to your Cryptopia App and go into your BTC Wallet

Click on the paper plane icon in the top right to Send Bitcoin to Cryptopia

Select the amount and then paste in your Cryptopia address to send the Bitcoin accross.

Step 4. Purchase SmartCash on Cryptopia

Now that you have moved your Bitcoin to Cryptopia (which may take up to an hour to reflect), you can use it to purchase Smartcash!

Click on 'Exchange' and then click on 'Markets'

Search for SmartCash.

On this screen you will see the options to buy and sell SmartCash.

Select the amount of SmartCash you want to buy.

You will see the amount appear in your balances in your Cryptopia wallet once the sale is complete.

Step 5. Transfer SmartCash Into Your SmartCash Wallet

The final stage will be to move your SmartCash from Cryptopia into your SmartCash Wallet on your Desktop. If you need help downloading the SmartCash-QT wallet please click here to read the guide.

Open up SmartCash Wallet, click on Receive and Click on New Address

Copy the address to the clipboard so that you can paste it into Cryptopia.

Click on the B in the top right and click Withdraw

Select SmartCash as the currency you want to withdraw.

Select the amount you want to withdraw and paste in your SmartCash wallet address.

You will need to go to your e-mail to confirm the withdrawal

Then the funds will clear through into your SmartCash wallet!

If you want to find out more about SmartCash as a cryptocurrency, head on over to: https://smartcash.cc and check out the @smartcash page on Steemit!


Awesome. I had no idea about smartcash, but thanks for linking the steemit account. Heading over there now to find out more about it.

thanks a lot for reading :)

Great Article, I'm a fellow Aussie, can you hook me up with #teamaustralia as in any requirements etc.

Hey yeah @choogirl usually does the recruit posts but she is on holiday at the moment but check out this post https://steemit.com/teamaustralia/@choogirl/team-australia-new-recruits-update-03-08-17-and-i-ll-be-right-back-after-this-short-recruitment-break

and it says all the criteria and how to join in there :)

Same here, just used Cryptoria. I first sold my SBDs to BTC at bittrex and bought DOGE with the total, then transferred the DOGE to Cryptoria, its less expensive compared to BTC fee I only paid 2 Doge. Then bought some SMART :)

good job...thank you for sharing...upvote me.

Awesome guide! Thanks for sharing :)

thank you so much for reading :)

Great post will be buying some later today!

This post received a 3.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @hannahlicious! For more information, click here!

This post has received a 7.43 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @hannahlicious.

This post has received a 3.58 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hannahlicious.

Thanks for the detailed guide dear @hannahlicious!

thank you for reading @deleni :)

Thanks for sharing.....👌👌 nice guide

I wish this post were still active, I would upvote it 10000% Thank you for your instructions. You made it easy-peasy. @ironshield

@smartbot balance

@hannahlicious has Σ0 SMART (unconfirmed: Σ0 SMART).

@smartbot address

Your deposit address is SW68wiowwugxGDMmgwVKamoFqsXapZGaM4.

@smartbot balance

@hannahlicious has Σ1000 SMART (unconfirmed: Σ0 SMART).