You did a nice job of outlining the news today, with some extra spice.
Silver Market:
We believe the government has been giving out secret "handshake" licenses to large banks (large as in JPM size) to naked short gold and silver, and this has helped put a lid on price expansion-- as in see 2011. This may INDEED be the case with bitcoin as well, as bitcoin is smaller market and therefore more easily manipulated by using a paper form of trading such as futures.
Bigger issue for bitcoin longs:
When commodities have gained an ETF, typically the underlying commodity has traded upward into the ETF introduction, and then sells off. So that would mean the hype-train for bitcoin would arrive on Dec 18, and it's MORE likely there'd be a lot of sellers. Not even talking sophisticated sellers, I'm talking Mom & Pop are even aware you're supposed to "buy ahead of the news" and then sell when prices pop.
So yeah, buyer beware, and good luck. Hey, sometimes, like with Segwit2x, they buy ahead, it doesn't materialize, the price sells off, the punters don't sell, and new highs are reached! It's the Wild Wild West man!