I often use the same example :). You could say Golem is a nice example of a growing category of projects empowered by the new possibilities of micropayments on a global scale, independant of your own local currency... which through tokenising assign $ value to (and as such may boost) things and acts which earlier often were shared mainly free/voluntarily... A similar project that already existed prior...and is a nice example that crypto doesn't have to...but can aid to bring ideas to fruition... is Berceley's Boinc - GRIDCOIN...or Curecoin.
Another category which is easy to understand is crowdfunding by automated contracts...or charity... no longer requiring as much hassle through banks and over currency borders as before... or how musicians who can'tokenise' their next recording and can have it funded (and the profits shared) by fans friends and family (e.g. SingularDTV's SNGLS or the Bowie Bonds revisited, ...).
Lots of long reads and books (e.g. The blockchain revolution by Tapscott) on this matter too...!
Yeah I agree. Thanks for the book recommendation, I'm going to check this one out. Any other books recommended on crypto? I have read Nathaniel Popper's book and also Andreas Antonopoulos
Hey Aram, threefold answer...
I tend to rely quiet heavily on the goodreads and amazon ratings (where those you mention did quite well too, if I remember correctly)... and then blending in some google to find reviews from the big newspapers etc...
Unfortunately I am still stuck in my first book :-) so didn't go far enough to help you with anything specific recommendation...except maybe that Tapscott is a book of vision and ideas. It might be good to go and get another more technical one too to complement it!
Further...crypto's going so fast that online sources are so valuable too...just sad there isn't so much compilation efforts done yet. Maybe that's up to us as a community to get that started :-)...
I think I did have a few identified and book marked somewhere. Can share it with others
But as you rightly said this is a field moving really fast so some things become obsolete very quickly. Also I'm really reluctant to recommend books I have not read. As you pointed out its not that easy :)
I think a good list will be both technical and non-technical, so will be quite some time before I read enough to put out a convincing list.
I strong believe, the only way to emerge winner in this space is by acquiring knowledge about these new technologies rather than mere trading or following telegram/Discord channels and placing speculative bets on unknown coins. Not that making money hurts or is wrong, you might make a bit but will not hold on to it without knowledge