Trolling the SEC like Only a Crypto Pro Can Do!

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)


Our Crypto Community are some of the best trolls on the web. We have been honed in the pits of Troll boxes and social media cess pools like Reddit and 4Chan.

Keep Trolling the Banksters!

Troll Ripple, always troll Ripple! See the Original SEC Tweet here.


lol don't buy into the "FIAT" coin's bailout/fork!

He's right too. The US dollar is definitely shady.

I almost peed my pants........

Goal achieved!

I fucking love this

The U.S. dollar is the Grand Daddy of all ponzi's run by the world's largest organized crime syndicate!

lol, that was the best seriously. There are some shaddy ICOs though to look out for but honestly a crypto currency is the same as government printed money. The tides are changing and full adoption will come one of these years soon.

Yes I am on board with that, lets see if good :D
I did however hear some stuff that made me stop and think for a second yesterday by a smart fella... Quantum computing? I know nothing of this and am getting into research of it these days. Have you heard anything on this and what the capabilities or potential side effects are?

Premined, no cap, loved by dictators and used worldwide for illegal trafficking and money laundering hahah. This is the best tweet I've seen in the last years of the decaying Twitter!

not to mention terrorists! the government needs to stop this now.

Haha that's hilarious! But i don't know.. does simply saying the truth count as trolling

That made my day, haha

WOW. That's hilarious 😂 In my opinion, the Federal Reserve Note is a Shitcoin!!!

SEC_News SEC_News tweeted @ 28 Aug 2017 - 18:00 UTC

Investors: beware of scams involving initial coin offering-related claims

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Hope crypto currency reach it's high level. Great post. Thanks..

This made me smile... though the sobering truth of it gives me pause.

Usd is deff an alt coin, get out now its a ponzì

I just printed some money, it has real value, no doubt!

That would just hyperinflate my cats ego!

Yeah, we don't want that to happen right. Those cats are obstinate enough already, haha.

This is freaking BRILLIANT!

Good one! :P

Its only funny because its spot on.

Haha that's pretty good

Busted up laughing when I saw this, love it!

WAIT!!! ... but then if you look at the person who is the President of the company running that currency ... never mind ... :-(

Haha the gf wondered why I chuckled, so I showed her... she didnt even have a clue as to what it was about, let alone the actual humor behind it 😂😂


That's hitting the nail square on the head!
Way to Troll!!!!

It's funny cause it's true!

They should ask my Venezuelan Bolivares!

Expert trolling!👌😂

Truthful posts always work best when trolling lefties!🐸👍

They used to be backed by gold. Now they're just magically printing dollars.

Seems like USD become an LT too :D Anyway I hate ICO, yeah scammers are everywhere!@hilarski,

(My voting power is still regenerating, therefore please allow me four more days to provide 100% upvotes for your posts)


ahahh i love this kind of trolls xD

hahah - brilliant.

@hilarski - Sire, I love your work. Now scammers are in ICO field Sire. So, we need expert views Sire. So, I choose you Sire. Love the way you helping others Sire. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

So many beautiful answers in the original tweet...

lmfao this is absolutely priceless.
Let's see when the fiat system falls and the blockchain takes over

Hahahh trolling on another level

That is awesome! That put a smile on my face this rainy assed Tuesday morning.

That is funny.

Gracias por la información :) u

haha...priceless....END THE FED!

The SEC is nooooot happy with that one haha

Keeps order fully so do party means young.

ha ha LOL x 100 :D

So true on that comment.... no one likes competition.

Yeah big balls trolls!
SEC approves it today: