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RE: Bullish on PIVX with the upcoming release of zDEX the first private in-wallet decentralized exchange

Please show that the blog that is on trending page are valuable and informative blog and not just a post shit like this. Although some are saying the trending page are now full of shit post that doesnt deserve to be here but for me personally it is the first time I saw a really shit post in your blog. Hope you can change for the better next time by not flooding the trending with this post.


Indeed. Another day, another shit post on trending.

It's not another day it's now everyday stuff all are paid promotions and gathering reps and profiting though they do promotions.

This is not paid bro...

Wooow! 😎👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

You didnt get it being a newbie I assessed that trending posts never been organic nowadays dear all are paid one.

@hiroyamagishi @mazzle Its fine if you don't care about the first private in-wallet decentralized exchange but it is actually a big deal.

Screenshot (387).png

Please send me $1000 for this screen shot. If you don't, that tells me you don't think the information there is worth $1000.

I don't know if you know how funny you can be! hahahhahahahahahaha

It's always a mystery, until someone laughs. :)

Good Post

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I like this your comments my boy you is real

Artboard-1-copy-2.jpg@isacoin @nonameslefttouse zDEX is making history

Maybe it will be , If/when it launch's you say there are "rumors" and it "means" that "probably" will lead to rise in price

FOMO based on nothing not even rationale speculation

rumors that zDEX will be released by the end of July this year mean that it will probably gain on Bitcoin when the market bounces.

@isacoin No baseless rumors

@isacoin No baseless rumors

Would they be factual rumors then?

@isacoin I personally believe them 90%

I agree totallly

It's a big deal but matter is about paid promotions is concerned to all steemians.

you know bud, you could judo this whole thing... and I'm being serious. If you show the community you had good intentions, say buy some steem monster cards and come up with a way to reward your readers, or something of the sort.

(you can edit this post)

You can judo this whole thing, and take advantage of the visibility you just gained, and then put everyone back in your good side.

I'm being sincere, because I doubt that you meant harm by sharing this, I think it was an honest miscalculation.

Not that you have to do the monsters thing, im simply coming up with something off the top of my head.

"show the community you had good intentions"

I have upvoted everyone who comments here and want to give credit where credit is due to the PIVX devs for always innovating and advancing zerocoin POS technology.

come find me on discord, I'm serious! I will help you ninja this whole thing...

Why? Because I sincerely believe you meant no harm...


I am doing everyone a big favor as zDEX has been flying under the radar close to the launch potentially at the end of July.

my offer stands, but its up to you!
