crypto coins news

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

This Trojan Malware Stole $160,000 in Bitcoin From Victim’s Wallets

A new CryptoShuffler Trojan has been discovered that steals cryptocurrency from wallets by replacing the address with its own in the clipboard of the device, reported Kaspersky Lab, which discovered the malware.

Fraudsters using CryptoShuffler Trojan have already stolen 23 BTC, worth around $140,000, from wallets. The creator of the malware has been operating for a year, targeting bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Monero, Dash and other cryptocurrencies, according to Kaspersky Lab.

The “clipboard hijacking” technique has been witnessed previously, targeting online payment systems. Attacks on cryptocurrency are not common.Bitcoin-wallet-leather.jpg


Omg... this means we are not safe 😱😱😱