Week 13 / The Bavarian View

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Title2 B-800px.jpg

News/opinion from/about Last week in Germany, Bavaria and international press in German language about cryptocurrencies. I want to catch especially the mood in Germany. They news are gathered from various mainstream media. A Translation of the Title, a short comment or summary on the content and a link to the original news.

Short IMHO news sentiment in Germany:
After a few furious weeks with G20, SEC and regulation. This week calms down. For me the most interesting part is that more media/newspaper reporting about cryptocurrencies in a serious way (not only “o gosh bitcoin price”). Less news but partly with higher quality.

Prize development:
Total M.CAP.: 308.242.000.000 $ - $
$BTC: 8.139,52 $ – 6.973,53 $


Title: New cryptocurrency comes on the market.
The interesting part is not new token. It's the shill on a usual everyday newspaper site.

Title: Blockchain can be a chance to distribute digital content.
You can't repeat it often enough. blockchain is the future

Title: China registers most Blockchain patent applications
IMHO The begin of the Blockchain patent war...

Adding ERC20 Support to Coinbase


Title: Contracts by blockchain Insurance companies start up...
Some big players participating. ATM this are only test, but soon….

Title: Deutsche ”Börse” brakes on Bitcoin product development
Reason volatility


Title: E-crown: Sweden is planning its own cryptocurrency E-crown: Sweden is planning its own cryptocurrency.
BTW over 350 years ago, they were the first country in Europe to introduce banknotes.

Title: Holidays in Germany: DZT accepts Bitcoin
Come to Germany my friends and pay with crypto.


Title: Put Blockchain on a chain?
The Article says no too regulation, cause it would be the same to tell people: more freedom by spying

Title: Technical newspaper production: Audi will use the Blockchain for the distribution
Nearly all car builders wants their blockchain... Why not XD

Title: Cryptocurrencies under pressure-Thailand announces regulation
More FUD, more cheap coins. IMHO this regulations arn't a problem.

Title: US authorities versus cryptocurrencies
Summary what we already know about SEC and regulations in the usa.
One interesting point the so called "Jumpstart Our Business Startup Act" from 2012 could help ico.


Title: Taxes on Bitcoin and Co .: Attention! The Treasury always cash up
How to do your taxes in Germany. One important thing you have to do is document every transaction. Cause 1 year hodl = tax free

31.03.2018 - 01.04.2018

Nothing worth to mention

The list is not complete, especially duplicate and a lot of coin/ico shill news are missing. I have tried not to filter too much and to present the sources in a balanced way from the general press to special press (like computers and finance)
I am not a native English speaker please PM if you have constructive critic about spelling and grammar.


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