Growing Pains


When I was a wee lad I use to wake up in the middle of the night with excruciating leg pain. It was my first experience with real pain. I used to cry aloud until my father would arrive and rub my legs and provide reassurance that what i was feeling was a good kind of pain. A natural pain. And that like all things in life, this pain shall too pass.

As we are constantly plied with click bait articles articulating the latest FUD, whether it is Tether printing enough money to end world poverty, a bank official or the like smearing Bitcoin or some trolls on telegram bashing your favorite coin, it can be quite hard to maintain our equanimity and not feel weathered by the sea of FUD.


Brevity is under utilized. So I will stick to what I feel are the two main drivers of FUD in the space at the present time.

Institutional Money (Banks/Bankers/Fiat Maximalists)

As long as you have fiat Billionaires who refuse to accept the future of crypto you will have FUD. Crypto threatens banks and the fiat rich. Period. It is a pain in their ass. It is shingles on a sunny day. The majority of banks got in late to the game and need to manipulate the market anyway they can while they surreptitiously gain solid footing in the space. Controlling the narrative through the media is an extremely cheap and effective way (cheap-considering most major TV networks are owned by a very small percentage of Billionaires. The TV networks provide them a megaphone to bark into whenever they so choose). They will continue to bash crypto and play Cybil for quite sometime to come.

13th grade effect

Doesn’t matter if it is twitter, youtube, telegram or the like, child like rhetoric and behavior is alive and well in the land of crypto. As alluded to earlier a lot of this silliness is driven by sycophants of a particular coin berating another coin that poses a threat, be it real or perceived. This crypto bullying is by far the least understandable and should be the least tolerated form of growing pain. If someone on a chat is able to pierce your conviction about your investment, you don’t belong investing. Period. DYOR. Stand by it. Or go away. For those who need to play the role of bully, I recommend one extra strength Tylenol and a cup of chamomile tea prior to typing.

Cryptocurrency is still a wee lad and although it has some amazingly brilliant folks from all over the globe, from a variety of camps, working to guide it into adulthood, it doesn’t have the luxury of having parents to ease the pain. In order for crypto to succeed, it has to remain an orphan. Forever.

linut texn meit…


@howcreative, I gave you an upvote on your first post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return!

Please also take a moment to read this post regarding bad behavior on Steemit.