Cryptocurrency no one is talking about but will be HUGE

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Below I have listed the currency which I think you should invest in immediately. The prediction period will cover between 10/01/2017 (date of this post) and 8/31/2018 (before Sept because that's usually when crazy things happen). The potential beyond that is certainly great as well.

Ok I lied in the title, this currency is currently talked about and it's not unknown to the investors. However the hype does not match the potential. NEO is going to be huge! China huge! I see the Chinese government getting involved in the Cryptocurrency world in a positive way for a change. Nations will battle for position to take dominance in the Cryptocurrency world. The best way to control them is to invest in them (Cryptocurrency is predicted to be 22trillion market cap by 2030). The reason this is relevant for NEO is because of its direct ties to China as a Chinese startup, dubbed "Chinese Euthereum." NEO being a Chinese startup, will be looked upon kindly by the Chinese government. The same government that has always hated the dollar as the reserve currency. This is their chance to take dominance in the Cryptoworld and improve their position as an economic power and ultimately world power (Yes Cryptocurrency is that serious folks).

Reasons to love NEO:

-Microsoft on board
-Multiple coding languages, not just one, no need to learn new coding (Solidity).
-Tacit acceptance by Chinese authorities.
-Chinese government intention in supporting/utilising smart contracts to secure/designate real world assets.
-Chinese desire/support for home grown product (Both Govt and populace).
-Ease of purchase by Chinese on their exchanges.
-Greater awareness of product in China than other external options (Excluding ETH)
-Rest of world awareness of product and how it offers a different option to Ethereum.
-Still viable and accessible via Bittrex to investors outside China.
-This is attractive to those that cannot/do not wish to use Solidity / Ethereum, provides another smart contract option.
-Could also be used for smart contracts in addition to/with Ethereum smart contracts from a risk management (hybrid) perspective.
-Shaping up as the best contender to take market share from Ethereum for smart contracts.

Currently as I write this, the market cap for NEO is 1,787,265,000. About one month ago before the big crash, after the China ban news, it was aprox 2,190,000,000. That was the peak and the highest its ever been. One month before that it was only 300 million. So we see that when investor confidence is high, the growth is ridiculously high rate. Based on this growth rate (the rate before the crash), expect NEO to reach $414 by August 31, 2018. Let's account for another crash and the usual sell off period where investors cash out profits. Also the high enthusiasm of investors isn't going to last that long. The higher the price gets, the less people are willing to invest as they search for cheaper options. When I run the math on that (here the math is sketchy) I get a general estimate of $300.
Thus my prediction is $300-$414 by end of August '18.

This is NEO's best friend. They have recently teamed up with them. Read more here:
What does this mean for AdEx? Well if you look at the graph of both currencies since the partnership (mid august) you'll notice a rather interesting trend.

This is AdEx:

This is NEO:

They're the same since the partnership:))) Thus you can expect AdEx to follow the same trend as NEO. However, investors are more aggressive with AdEx. Many feel like they've missed the train with NEO and they can get more bang for the buck with AdEx which is ridiculous cheap at $1.24 as of this post date. That and the circulating supply is 53,253,776. That's low folks.

Before the crash, there was a period during the hype of the partnership announcement where this currency saw a 54 million increase in market cap in only 4 days!!!! Let's do something crazy and assume that it maintains that type of growth to August '18. The value would then be $83 per 1. I think that is the absolute best case scenario. It may actually get more recognition to maintain enthusiasm going forward because they do have a couple of exciting updates scheduled that should give them headlines. On the low end, I applied the same low end prediction formula I applied for NEO (or "logic" I should call it because a formula is something that is straight forward but this has assumptions logic guessing) and I got $65. Thus my prediction is $65 to $83 by end of August '18. Imagine what a $1000 dollar investment could potentially get you a year from now (about $50k).

Maybe this one crossed your feed a couple of times but you passed over it. I love two things about it. Nexus could be the most secure cryptocurrency and has low circulating supply (I just love low circulating supply). It's also very cheap right now at $1.86. If you need an introduction on Nexus then read this great article: (to summarize: They're going to SPACE).

The growth potential for this is truly outer space. It is going to the moon, literally. The sky is the limit...ok I'm out of puns.
Seriously though, I see a huge spike in about 5 months when their space ambitions become more clear. I even see the mainstream media reporting on this. This thing has spiked $60million on ONE DAY before and the trend has been a steady increase after that. For my high end prediction I will simply use the current rate of increase and anticipate for a huge spike. The result is $43. Without the spike and just avg growth, $41. This makes for a tight prediction of $41-$43 by end of August '18.

Vsync (VSX):
who? what? That's right folks. This is the one that could make you rich off a small investment. It's currently at $0.007. You've seen those currencies that used to be that low and now you can't afford to buy 10 of them. We'll for $50 you can buy about 7k of them, and they'll be worth..well let's hold off on the prediction for now.

The team behind this technology is serious about improvements and they've recently re-branded (formally Vsync XVS). New website, new wallet, new logo coming soon and ready to get pumped. There's a growing community behind them that is quickly building hype and that is the main factor for investors. The release was just a couple of weeks ago and it's steadily growing. We can not speculate what the future price might be based on the past two weeks. Looking at their last brand, we can see a huge spike before a crash. I will use the data from their hay days with the old brand and assume they will experience another positive spike with this new opportunity. This brings us to $0.15 for the high end prediction (very conservative). That may not seem much but consider the current price. If you invest $50 that would get you 7k of these babies (even 1k may not seem crazy to invest in this new currency because believe me they have a strong core and they're not going anywhere). So $50 may return up to $1000 by August '18.
If the investors aren't ready for this currency and it just maintains the slow steady growth, then we can see it reach 0.10. Thus my prediction is 0.10-.15 by the end of August '18.

TO BE CONTINUED... Kindly up-vote or comment to give me an indication to continue and i'll come back with the rest.


If you purchase some valuable crypto currency (which are not pumping and dumping ) for holding, definitely you will get good return...