Cryptocurrency Investing 101

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Note — not investor advice and you can lose between 98% — 110% of all your money. (Disclaimer courtesy of a brilliant securities lawyer who constantly yells regs at my deaf speculating enthusiasm. Thanks Maureen L. Murat, Esq. aka @CrowdieAdvisors )

I made this short and simple, cause it has a little math in it. But if you passed 5th grade you should be good. So you’re interested in investing in cryptocurrencies, consider these factors:

  1. 98% of startups fail w/in 5 years
  2. All cryptocurrencies are startups
  3. 800+ ICOs so far
  4. ~16 will be around in 5+ years

So what should your investing strategy be? Here are a few options:

Option 1
Bet the odds. Buy $20 in every token that is out and will come out for the rest of the 2017. Wait 7 years. Cash out. 98% will be worthless. However, those last 2%…oh lawd!

Option 2
Pretend you know what is going on and find that 2% needle in a haystack. You’ve only a 98% chance of being wrong. If you’ve an MBA, 99.5%😉

Option 3
Have two portfolios. Option 1 & 2.

That’s it. Happy hunting. If you agree, like it. If you disagree. Tell me where my math is off. If you love it, share it!

My name is Samson. This has been a production of cryptocurrency investing for Dummies by a Dummy. I’m a human and an anthropologist. Feel free to hit me up on Twitter or Instagram @HustleFundBaby.

I would say thoughts are my own…but I probably stole them from a woman.


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