Happy Friday folks, I'd like to share something with you all, and hopefully find some clarity.
Ever since I've learned about crypto-currency and the wonders of the block-chain, it has come to my attention how little people actually know about this technology. In an effort to try and spread the word, I've come to realize that many of the people I've told about crypto, bitcoin, and the like... have all believed it too good to be true, and shun the whole idea of it.
My question is, why?
Now, maybe I'm just bad at explaining how revolutionary this technology is, and how this form of currency is worth investing in, or at the very least researching it to learn more about it. But the few people who I've told, just fail to see its true potential. I've found that about 90% of the people I know personally have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT BITCOIN IS! Let alone crypto-currency at all! At first I thought, its just me being terrible at explaining, but no.... I have shown these people the charts, I've shown them the facts and the articles, but still they somehow think that their money (USD) is safe, and they would rather trust their banks who keep them enslaved, than a more progressive and free market style of currency, and overall better technology.
Now, here's a collection of a few common reactions I've gotten from trying to make people aware of just how revolutionary blockchain technology is:
To this, I just let out a sigh... I try to explain the concept of mining, and circulating supply, and that there is money to be made from this, and that it is decentralized, but that just raises more questions and doubts.
Now, this I can level with; hacking is a reasonable fear to face when dealing with anything digital, but to this I say, do some research on what the block-chain is, how it works, and why it is so freaking ingenious. I don't even try to explain this to them because I would just butcher it, but all I say is do your own research.**PRO LIFE TIP**: It's easy to HEAR someone talk about something and make it sound good, but to truly understand and form your own conclusions, you must do your own RESEARCH. And don't just read one article, or one book, or watch one video. Obtain information from a variety of sources to find what is valid and what is BS.
I get it, who doesn't love a good meme from reddit, or a good clickbait video from youtube. But cmon, just look at how these sites are slowly and not-so discretely censoring their users! Steemit is where it's at, its in Beta and I already enjoy it more than Facebook and Twitter. (It's close to being better than reddit in my opinion, it just needs more good meme pages, who doesn't love a good meme).
So what's the point of this post, what am I trying to accomplish?
I'm sorry if this post is longer than you care to read, but my whole point is literally in the title. WHY? I don't get it. Has anyone else experienced such scenarios as I've described above? And if so, please share the experience and why you think people are so naive and rejecting of these innovative technologies. If you are reading this, you obviously see the value in Steemit and other block-chain utilization, what made you see the value in it all? I hope that in time, people will see the value behind such systems, but only time will tell. So what do you think? I'd love to get a larger scope of people's views and possibly a discussion.
Stay Awesome
many people judge what they don't understand.
(wanna rapidly expand your mental capacities - go do some thorough study on understanding cognitive biases.)
it's easier to write off an entire domain as a 'scam' or such, rather than confess ignorance and begin exerting lots of efforts to build the basic building blocks of knowledge to start knowing the unknown.
there is alot to get into in this crypto realm - not just what Bitcoin is, not just the blockchain technology behind it, but a far broader range of topics from systems dynamics to economics to cultural evolution and more, to begin grasping the implications for where this wave of tech innovation is about to take our world as infrastructure in all various realms of industry get upgraded.
go back and read that sentence a couple times. most people would get lost halfway through the first time and write it all off. as such, there is tremendous opportunity for those committed to figuring shit out, cuz the change is inevitable, and those who understand the shifts and position themselves to create value through the transitions stand to benefit greatly.
I HIGHLY recommend reading Blockchain Revolution by Don & Alex Tapscott - and paying forward the recommendation where appropriate, as it's undoubtedly the definitive guide on the subject painting a very accurate picture of what's on the horizon with all this...
I will admit, I really did need to read those couple of sentences a few times to grasp the whole idea haha. But yeah man this stuff is all so interesting and revolutionary, I really cannot wait to learn more about all of this and what's to come. Thanks so much for the information and tips man I really appreciate it!
Blockchain Revolution by Don & Alex Tapscott - you won't regret it. ;-)
One reason why: 800 cryptocurrencies and counting; can you imagine 800 different currencies floating about. Today, cryptocurrencies are in the early adaptation stage. By the time the average user gets it the winners in this space will be at $10,000 USD (if the USD is still around).
You're right, and I hope you're right about the future! To me, that's even more of a reason to invest now!
Student debt is $1.4 trillion today, in 2008 the housing bubble was 1.3 trillion. Coincidence? Hardly. The government allows students to borrow more every year and then the schools up their tuition, just another coincidence, right?
oh dude, I'm dealing with this crap right now. Currently taking loans to pay for the tuition that gets higher every year for whatever reason, meanwhile the aid becomes less and less for some reason, and the quality of education remains pretty shitty. Luckily the state I live in is installing a way for middle class families to send their children to college for free... quite interesting, I made a post about it the other day.