Xmoneta – World's First Decentralized Encrypted Social Messenger

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

What happens if your message is counted as a type of currency? Have you ever thought the idea of the communication as a type of digital transaction? This idea does make sense if we are looking this from the business point of view.

We are not only talking about the messenger but also email as well as a phone call that you usually conduct. Every means of communication you use will contain valuable information which is useful for the recipient. In turn, the recipient will send something back to you.


Regardless the kinds of information you are sharing with your peer, you may be reluctant to know the fact that the government has the authority to intercept your information exchanges. This happens when you make a call to your friend, send an email to your client, or use your PayPal to purchase something on eBay. Third party intervention might be the last thing that you want as the regular users of the internet.

Xmoneta Social Messenger comes with the revolutionary solutions for you. It emphasizes on the encrypted messenger for social and encrypted communication. It comes to respect the idea that the valuable information you want to share with your friends, family, or special one should not be snooped by the government or other third parties.

Moneta focuses to be the encrypted social messenger which can be used for communication as well as purchasing products and book services. It is like having the payment and communication tool at the same time. It is a blockchain app which will make use of secured and safe wallet. Don’t worry, though, it will also provide the market for trading.
Since it is the messenger platform, it will be a wonderful way to reach your targeted audiences besides through the conventional social networking sites. What you want when you are communicating with other people are the privacy, security, and convenience. The X Moneta can provide all these variables which the conventional networking sites are not able to provide. Moneta offers privacy when you want it to be private. After all, the government does not have to know if you are getting a garlic bread for the breakfast and posted in on your Instagram, right?


Moneta has been raising the funds from the investors with the token sale that was started on January 25th back then. For large investors, they will be granted the Ex Moneta card to ease the transaction within the platform.

Moneta is a promising project for advanced communication using the blockchain and crypto Bina. As mentioned above, it will be decentralized. The encrypted mobile messenger will ensure the privacy and security of your informational transactions with your peers. It is a great platform for your social and business communication. The platform allows you to chat with your friends, business associates, new people, as well as special ones. Not only that, you will be able to purchase goods and services using the app on the platform. As a business owner, you could organize your business and use it for engaging with your audience and procure the direct selling as well.

Website: https://xmoneta.com/ Whitepaper: https://xmoneta.com/xmoneta_whitepaper.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/xmoneta_xmn


well done imteaz!