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RE: QUBIC - IOTA's Mysterious "Q" Finally Revealed!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Qubic like any major announcement will result in short term pop while hype carries people into instagating and propogating price pumps, but as always what goes up...

Iota is not done and neither is any other major crypto, they are all works in progress. IOTA has a long way to go to fulfill its potential, and I am invested for the long term. If you believe in the vision of the project buy it, and forget it for 5 years. I really think IOTA could be enormous but that growth will not be justified and resolved by this announcment or even the June 3 release of Qubic.

There will be many months and years of trouble shooting Qubic and all the future development that will make IOTA what it aims to one day become.

Very exciting nonetheless, glad to hear good news for this project. I believe deeply in their future.

In short, when moon? Later.