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RE: Vitalik Buterin: 90% of ICOs will FAIL. Really?

Andreas Antonopoulos' comment on ICOs:

"I think one day, in the distance future, the possibilty of being able to fund new initiatives and create ventures on a global basis without the traditional limitations is going to open opportunites for companies that have never had opportunities before. The problem is that first investors will have to run the gauntlet and swim in these shark invested waters full of these unscrupulous people, who are taking their sh** coin, and making an initial offering. Whose primary purpose is not to add funding for a worth while project... its not to generate value or take growth to a next level for something that is already worth while. They smell money in the water and they come like sharks. I would say at least 95% of the ICOs out there have no basis fundamentals or anything like that."