Join The Social Media Revolution With Howdoo
by Pablo BonannoIn this day and age everything revolves around social media but it wasn’t always like this. The first recognizable social media was created in 1997 a site called Six Degrees that allowed its users to set up a profile and make friends online with other users. This was soon followed in 1999 by various blogging sites this is when it was renamed from Weblog to just blog and we saw the early sites like Live Journal and Blogger that brought blogging to be main stream. Soon after the blogging sensation in 2000 the first social media platform was launched called Friends Reunited, that aimed at finding long-lost school friends or family members that you had lost touch with at the time Friends reunited was a ground breaking service that was a portfolio of social networking websites based upon the themes of reunion with research, dating and job-hunting. But it had one flaw you had to pay for it. In hindsight if they knew the popularity and how social media has grown Friends Reunited could have been the daddy of all sites if it had been free and charged for advertising. Shortly after this in 2003 Myspace was launched by Tom Anderson who users soon got to know as his face would pop up and he would be you first friend.

My Space was good and popular not only because it was free but you could customize you page and have music and different themes and backgrounds and not forgetting the emotion emoji under your profile to show how you were feeling, I personally liked Myspace you had a lot more freedom to be creative with your profile and it wasn’t as intrusive as Facebook.

Myspace remained the world’s largest social media site up until 2009 before Facebook took over. Mike Jones, formerly the head of MySpace. Told Business Insider he believed that Facebook was able to overtake MySpace because Facebook “perfected” the social networking concept, whereas MySpace just introduced people to it. Facebook was founded in 2004 but was relatively unheard of until 2009 originally called The Facebook and was to be aimed more as a dating site until they realized the potential of connecting people. At the start Facebook was a lot more diverse than what they have today, you could have banners and personalize your profile and it was a bit more fun, whereas now it has become all about what are you doing ,who you are with, what is your location. All under the guise of helping you to connect with friends, when really it is all about gathering your information. People don’t seem to realize due to Facebooks carefully scripted tricks like ¨Tell your friends where you are and where you are ¨ like they are doing you a massive favor when in actual fact it is giving them the information they need so they have a perfect profile on each user. They know everything about them from what they like to eat to their favorite film, an advertisers dream.

In 2008 Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said on an interview for the BBC that he would never sell or leak peoples information this however was exposed as a lie when in 2018 it was leaked that peoples personal information had been sold there was a court case but of course it was brushed under the carpet, I say of course because Facebook must be favorable with Government agencies so they can see what people are doing. I think as Facebook has got bigger it has created a monster that is pulling the wool over people’s eyes and just gathering as much information as possible.
Fast forward 30 years from when the first social media site was developed and everywhere you look people are glued to their phone seeing what their friends or favorite celebrities are doing. Even earlier today I was watching a vlog on you tube where a young woman was sowing a beach in Thailand and everyone behind her in the sea were taking selfies rather that enjoying the natural beauty. Everything has become more about what you can post to social media that the real experience.
The Revolution
The social media revolution is here finally not only a platform that is out to help connect people and not just for financial gain or world dominance, but also allowing its users to be rewarded for their content.

Howdoo the new social media experience
Howdoo is based on the blockchain and is going to give its users a fresh new social media experience. It will not only allow users to upload photos, videos, and music etc. but it will also reward users for their creative content. Users will gain followers and exposure, so if you are an Artist, a musician, DJ, Model or even in to cosplay you can upload your creative work. Whether it be a video of you singing or photos of your latest cosplay costume that you have made, or even your latest painting. Whatever the genre you are into, you can be rewarded with Udoo tokens the cryptocurrency of Howdoo.
You can also be tipped by other users who hold Udoos for your creative content that you have uploaded. This will revolutionize social media as not only are you getting the exposure you deserve but you are being rewarded for it at the same time. Most importantly you are in control of your data and it won’t be sold .

Howdoo will put the power back to the people with its new social media platform, not only with its cutting edge blockchain technology. But also the fact that it is designed to help its users grow and get the exposure they deserve.
Howdoo will be a game changer for social media eliminating all the crappy scheming tactics used by current platforms and giving a fresh start. Users will be able to use the platform in different ways to project there particular niche. So if you are a gamer you might want to show your gaming live, so that you can show tactics and skill to other users. To do this Howdoo has a broadcasting feature where you can go live while you are in-game, where you will be able to also hold or take part in competitions. Or even if it is just a review of a game or in-game add-ons, upgrades or equipment.
Or if you are doing a vlog when you are out traveling, or if you are a skate boarder or surfer for instance you could film your skill and tricks using the broadcasting feature. Then if other users like what you are doing they can tip you so you can earn more Udoos for your content.

The same applies for Cosplay and costume design, you could vlog the process of making your latest costume. Or maybe a walk round at a cosplay event or comic con showing off your creative cosplay suit. This can also be done with other cosplayers, if you have a group or a team of friends that all meetup for an event. Say for example Stormtroopers or superheroes, then you can video the experience to share on Howdoo, and again you will have opportunity to be rewarded by other users tipping you, the more content you up load the more you could earn. Also if you are a DJ or musician you could use Howdoo by maybe a radio channel or live stream of your set or gig or even a digital festival. So the possibilities are endless and all the time you have the opportunity to earn more Udoos for each post you upload.
The Team
The team behind Howdoo have vison to rectify all the bad elements of modern social media and make a safer more effective and functional platform where users can enjoy all of their favorite apps in one place while reaping the rewards for their hard work.

Howdoo is a blockchain based platform thus giving its user’s a safer more transparent experience. Howdoo has its own cryptocurrency called the Udoos, after a successful Token sale the Udoos will now not only be rewarded to users for their creative content. But users will also be able to be tipped with Udoos from other users that appreciate their work.

In Summary of the Howdoo blockchain based social media platform, I would say that this project has come at the right time. Just when Facebook seems to be in the news defending its actions every other day I think that Howdoo is the breath of fresh air we have all been waiting for. Not only is it a safe platform where you can stay connected with your friends and family, you will also be able to share photos, videos, listen to music it will have all of your favorite apps on one safe platform where you will be able get the exposure you need to show of your creative content. Plus gaining followers while all the time growing you profile, and to top it off you will be getting rewarded for your work with Hoodoo’s cryptocurrency the Udoos.
For more information on Howdoo Check out Howdoo TV
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Great article! I am invested in this project already, I can see big things happening for them very soon x
Nice one fella, I big on this project already.
I've got a few Udoos, looking forward to seeing what this project can do.
Been backing Howdoo since the start. The planet needs social media, but we need more secure options than the Facebook
I love how do, it's refreshing to see something taking on the big boys in this market. I got in early and plan to hold and continue investing. This may be the project I look back one day and say this changed the entire trajectory of my life
Top project which I've personally invested in! It's refreshing to see a social media platform that won't sell your data and only suggestions things that you actually want to see! Also, I like the token metrics too!
Great article love Howdoo been following it and this was a great article