Sold My Old Truck to Buy The Dip!

I got into crypto right around the big bull run in mid December. I bought on the up but not at the peak which was pure luck because I had no idea what I was doing at the time and just FOMOED my way in like many did I am sure. I did make some profits on XRP, XLM, XVG, and TRX. I then diversified into many of the top ten currencies. I am a very disciplined person and have HODLed right through this dip. You don't lose until you sell. I have also taken this time to educate myself in the Crypto space and I have grown to really believe in the possibilities, not just for profits but also for the impact it could have on peoples lives all over the globe. I am still learning more everyday while I watch the market patiently.

So anyway on to the headline. I had a trusty old 99 4x4 pickup truck sitting out in my driveway that I really didn't need and with the current market dip I was looking for some extra capital to smash into the crypto, aside from my weekly DCA. The old truck still had some value with relatively low miles for it's age. It was a strong running truck that was doing nothing more then rusting in the morning dew each day. Me and my wife have newer vehicles and I drive a service van for a living so this good old truck of mine was expendable, to a good home of course. I gave it a wash and parked it out by the road with a for sale sign in the window. I didn't even get a a chance to list it online and I had two inquiry's about it. One of them came to look at it and took it for a spin. He asked me a few general questions and must have liked my answers because he offered the 3k I posted in the window.

I am still holding the Fiat, waiting to scale into a few different coins. I really like to diversify into the projects I like in the top 20-30. I do hold some flyer Alt coins out side of that as well. I will discuss my investing strategy in later posts. I wanted to share this to hopefully inspire others who feel like this is a great buying opportunity in the market right now, to look around out side of their computer or device and see how they can produce some funds to invest with. I believe you can create your own luck with just a little thought and effort.

Another angle I looked at this from may help some of you really get motivated. So I sold my truck for 3000 USD, if it were to 2x I could buy a nicer newer truck. If it were to 4x or 6x I could buy a newer truck and pay off my car which I still have a loan on. If you have been in this space for a few months you know that 6x could be called thinking conservatively.

Finally I will reiterate, I believe 95% of good luck or opportunity comes to us based on our own choices and decisions. Society would want you to think otherwise. On one side they shove celebrities and their glamorous almost ridiculous lifestyle down your throat to give you a false idea of what wealth or riches are. From the other side they shove doom and gloom at you on the 24/7 news cycle to make you feel hopeless and helpless. They do these things to break your will and weaken your mind so that you will remain just another piece of the machine clocking in and out everyday, spending your earnings on things you don't need and can't afford. (By definition if you have to take on debt to gain possession of an item you can't afford it nor do you own it.) Don't let them. In America we are blessed with many freedoms and rights and the government doesn't plan on taking them away because they know they can enslave us into this society and most of wont have any objections because we are ignorant and oblivious. Turn off the TV, shut off the noise, and just use your mind to free yourself. I have done this my self in the past year and now that my mind is free I know I will be financially free very soon as well. I still have bills and responsibilities just like anyone does but I don't have a negative or hopeless outlook anymore and the sky (or Moon) is the limit.

Take 'er easy out there.