Money is a major factor of any society. With the advancement of technology, and digitization of activities in the world of today, the need for digitizing money and assets has risen.

The next challenges would be how to deal with factors such as volatility, inflation, being efficient medium of exchange, and being an efficient store of value etc. These issues need to be addressed for introduction of any fiat currency and likewise for digital currency. Kinesis Monetary System has been engineered to address these factors. We will be understanding the Kinesis Monetary System, its components, and how Kinesis ensures an efficient medium of exchange and efficient store of value with security of assets.
Money is a major factor of any society. With the advancement of technology, and digitization of activities in the world of today, the need for digitizing money and assets has risen. The next challenges would be how to deal with factors such as volatility, inflation, being efficient medium of exchange, and being an efficient store of value etc. These issues need to be addressed for introduction of any fiat currency and likewise for digital currency. Kinesis Monetary System has been engineered to address these factors. We will be mentioning the various ways Kinesis ensures an efficient medium of exchange and efficient store of value.
The Kinesis Project is based on blockchain and build out of a fork of the Stellar blockchain. Kinesis embraces and rewards the use of its currencies, encouraging the use of capital and fostering economic and commercial activities. Kinesis project presents very attractive risk/return ratio by giving fiat currencies a 1:1 backing with gold and silver; the most physical assets with lasting value. Also attached is the yield feature to reward active participation by sharing the wealth generated according to participation and capital velocity (the rate/frequency of transacting with Kinesis currency).
Elements of Kinesis:
The primary elements of Kinesis include
1. Gold & Silver:
The kinesis currencies are backed 1:1 by their respective grams of gold and silver. This means that the holders of the coin have titles to the bullion used for 1:1 backing of KAU and KAG coins. KAU and KAG coins are the basic currencies of Kinesis System. Other currencies specifications include
(a) Gold Wholesale Currency (KWG) - 1 Kg gold contract and token consisting of gold bars with minimum fineness of 9999 &
(b) Silver Wholesale Contract (KWS) - 1,000 troy ounces of silver contract and token, consisting of silver cast bars of minimum fineness of 999 &
(c) Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT) - which is the capital raising token for the execution of the Kinesis project. It is an ERC-20 token and all KVT holders will have a share of transaction fees for life.
2. Yield:
This is a system introduced to perpetually generate yield from economic activities with money as opposed to the old system of yield generation through lending interests rates. Provides definable value via Net Present Value (NPV) calculations for use in commercial, institutional and retail investment
3. Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Technology:
Decentralized and secure system to enhance financial experience.
Kinesis monetary system has all the components necessary for a successful and effective monetary system. They include:
1. Kinesis Currency Exchange (KCX):
This is a market where currencies are created and minted.
2. Kinesis Blockchain Network (KBN):
This is the blockchain technology upon which Kinesis Currencies are built. Coins purchased in the wholesale market are emitted into the Kinesis Blockchain Network with incentives based on frequency of money transactions.
3. Kinesis Blockchain Exchange (KBE):
This is a market where kinesis currencies and other digital currencies are traded with each other.
4. Kinesis Financial Network (KFN):
This serves as a mobile banking system where Kinesis currencies can be used for savings or payments, remittances and funds transfer. It also provides payment processing systems for e-commerce, and also provides users with global ease of access to money via Mastercard and Visa enabled debit cards that are accepted on ATMs all over the world. Money transfers can be done for free and merchants can accept payments without paying high processing percentages.
5. Kinesis Commercial Centre (KCC):
This serves as an online platform aggregating goods and services and allowing merchants to transact with Kinesis Currencies seamlessly.
How kinesis.money Opens The Bullion Market Regular Users
With the aid of electronic payment processing and options of investment currencies, it will be easier for participants to push their fiat capital into the system. The systems that Kinesis uses to open the bullion market to regular users include;
1. Allocated Bullion Exchange(ABX) Strategic Partnership
Kinesis project and Kinesis monetary system was designed in partnership with Allocated Bullion Exchange which is the world’s largest electronic exchange for allocated precious metals. ABX has been in operation since 2013 and has seven trading, pricing and vaulting hubs across the globe and has recently partnered with European Commodity Clearing (ECC) for clearing and settlement services.
2. Kinesis Blockchain Exchange (KBX)
This is a market where Kinesis currencies and other crypto currencies are traded. On this platform, regular users can deposit other currencies in order to have access to Kinesis Backed currencies which gives them a title to the grams of Gold and silver and retains the prevailing value of the precious metals for them
1. Minters Yield:
These are incentives earned by those who purchase Kinesis currency from wholesale market.
2. Holders Yield:
Incentives earned by users for keeping kineses currencies passively in wallets. This is similar to bank deposit interests.
3. Depositors Yields:
Incentives given to depositors of money for their initial deposits into their wallet.
4. Affiliate Yield:
Incentives earned by users for introducing new members to the Kinesis platform.
1.Kinesis Minters:
These are those who deposit money to buy kinesis currencies from the KCX wholesale market and then send, spend or sale them in the KBN. Kinesis currencies are emitted from the KCX and appear in the users wallet from where they can be used for transaction. They earn minters yields when they money is used for transactions.
2. Kinesis Depositors:
Kinesis Depositors will receive a yield on their initial deposit and purchase of Kinesis from their Kinesis Wallet in the KFN once they are put to use. As Kinesis’ currencies travel wallet to wallet in the kinesis blockchain network, a proportion of transaction fees will be shared perpetually with the Depositor for the life of the currency.
3. Kinesis Holders:
Holders earn yields for passive holding of all kinesis system currencies. This is also a share of transactional fees generated from activities in the network. The rates will surpass normal banking interest rates and will attract capital deposits from several classes of investors globally.
4. Kinesis Affiliates:
Individuals and small/big corporations are rewarded with affiliate yields for introducing new users/brokers/dealers into the Kinesis system. They earn a portion of transaction fee perpetually from activities of those they refer.
Why Kinesis Inherently Has Less Volatility
The prices of the coins are tied to the market prices of Gold and Silver at any point in time. These precious metals are long lasting and tested assets for storing value and their deviations in price are not too rapid.
Also the specifications of the coins are known and constant, so high inflation rates can be avoided and price is preserved in the long run.
Use Cases
Kugal Investment Company practically puts away money into stable and definable stores of value like Gold and Silver. They pay so much to the banks for saving their Gold and Silver. They learn about Kinesis and its system of digitized Gold and Silver. They decide to possess digital gold and silver instead of the physical ones. They reconvert their Gold and Silver to fiat money and use same to purchase KAU and KAG with low transaction fees. Now the save their gold and silver in a secured blockchain and earn interest (yields) for their savings instead of paying much money to the banks to store the precious metals for them.
Adenuga is an investor from Africa. He has been investing on Real Estate across the globe and sees that the cryptos are the order of the day. He seeks an advice from his financial advisor who tells him that some cryptos don’t have a framework retain a lasting value. The Advisor encourages him to go for asset backed crypto currencies. He learns about the Kinesis Blockchain Exchange and deposits fiat via a payment processor which connects him to the system remotely. Adenuga now possesses KAU & KAU which are equivalents of grams of gold and silver and has access to possess more in the future. He holds a title to amounts of precious metals which has long lasting value. That way, his risks are reduced and distance is not a barrier.
Abdul is a medical doctor in a politically and economically unstable country in Asia where inflation rate is increasing by the day. Security of properties are a challenge as the country’s system is not working. The banks frequently get attacked and valuables get carted away. Due to the prevailing situation in the country, the insurance system failed. Abdul seeks for better ways to save his earnings with less risk. He learns about Kinesis and digitizing his assets. He converts his earnings to Digital Gold and Silver with ease of access to deposits powered by payment gateways. With the aid of the internet, his money is stored and accessed on the Kinesis monetary system. His money is earned in a troubled country but not affected by the instability of the country.
1. e-commerce:
With the introduction of an e-commerce suite as planned, e-commerce platforms can integrate Kinesis Solutions as a payment gateway to receive payments for products and services.
2. Mobile & Electronic Payment Solutions:
Bills and Utilities, e-lending services can now be promoted with solutions from Kinesis. Money can be stored and spent from e-wallets made available by Kinesis. Withdrawals from ATMs can also be possible with Mastercard and Visa enabled Debit Cards.
3. Electronic Banking:
Kinesis Digital Bank provides a banking system where people can save money in a secure blockchain system not controlled by any government and save in currencies that are not affected by inflation rates and economic/political circumstances of any government. Users can also save without geographical limitations.
4. Investment Assets Markets:
With digitization of assets, Kinesis will foster increase in volumes of assets trading and pull more capital into the assets trading industry.
Use of Funds
Kinesis Monetary Systems in my own words is security for fiat and digital assets. Having a system that backs each currency unit with 1 gram of gold or 10 grams of silver will go a long way to save the system from volatility and instability. With these, traders and investors will prefer Kinesis platforms to others. At present, no other project is known to secure investors money, encourage spending and discourage hoarding as Kineses. Investment in the KVT, KAU and KAG sales is an worthy investment. I think KVT has what it takes to compete with Bitcoin in use in the long run.
For More Information, Resources & Engagements
For More Information, Resources & Engagements
- To learn more about the Kinesis Project, feel free to visit the Kinesis website.
- To learn more about the Project Plan, how it works and their future plans for the Kinesis Project, please feel free to check their Whitepaper and Onepage
- To see informative videos about the Kinesis project, you can find those here on Kinesis Youtube, and don’t forget to subscribe.
- The Kinesis Project is Social. Do well to engage on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, Reddit, Medium, Medium, Steemit, GitHub.
- You can send them email via [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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