How Does EOS Scale to Millions of Transactions?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

I just learned about EOS today from this video from Consensus (May 2017).

I think I understood some of it...but it was pretty confusing so I figure other people are having similar questions and it would be nice to ask it here so we could all get some clear explanation. Towards that end, here are some questions I have:

  • How would you simply explain what makes EOS different enough to scale to millions of transactions per second?
  • Does this scaling affect decentralization? (I know EOS plans on using Delegated Proof of Stake)
  • What advantages does EOS have over Ethereum in the long run.

Very nice question! The promise os SCALABILITY is becoming common but NO white paper tells how they gonna achieve it! There are new approaches that use other technologies, but i don't understand how EOS is implementing this scalability.

The other doubt is: WHAT is the utility of the TOKEN?? It's not going to be used, so... investors are really... donors?