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RE: Well that was a mission. But I’m now the proud owner of some Bitcoin and some Ethereum

Congratulations and welcome to the club!!

The recent price action in the crypto's space is where gold bugs want gold to be. It probably will still be the case as the USD may have commenced a structural decline - with Crypto's catching the first sniff of it.

Just might take a little longer for PM's to catch a sniff..


Thanks. :-)

Not sure what a PM is,but it sounds like they have a nose - for sniffing. So they could be some sort of dog?

I'm just interested to see how this all pans out. I don't think I'll be making my fortune at this. But at little light entertainment is always good.

PM's = Precious Metals (Gold, Silver, PGM's​), the real anti-dollar assets. Crypto's are good too, and at this point in the cycle performing much better than PM's, however more volatile​. PM's could soon have its​ day - perhaps with significant BO's before the end of 2017..