Hi guys:
I was checking some sites that allow me to see graphs of help and trading in bitcoin and crypto-coins. I found some very good ones and I want to share with you.
For Bitcoin
1 - BitcoinWisdom - Live Bitcoin / Litecoin charts - A page with a simple design and look of sloppiness but with very good functionality, sometimes overloaded by the Chinese exchanges.
2 - Cryptowatch - live Bitcoin price charts - Very young page compared to the others, modernized version of the previous one with .es domain, which could indicate that it is developed by the Hispanic community.
3 - TradingView: Free stock charts and online quotes - For me the best, most professional and personally use almost every day, with many indicators and high functionality tool, you can also nourish yourself from the graphics of others, they are not always good but you can get an idea.
For Crypto-currencies
1 - AltcoinLive - Alternate cryptocurrency charts - Something simple without more words, as I like them.
2 - https://dc-charts.com/ - Something complex if you are starting, I prefer the first but each time are adding more tools.
3 - CryptoCurrency Trading Platform | CrypTrader - Perfectly you could be the first of all, but it is not a ranking, very useful to do all kinds of analysis of criptomonedas, including chat.
I hope you serve all of you and start using all these graphic tools.
Imagen by Cryptotrader

Try Coingy :) the best one