I quit my job and couldn't be happier!

My name is Jake Blickenstaff and I work online full time. In the Cryptocurrency Space. I was recently able to walk away from my career of over 10 years. I didn’t always have this desire though...

Before I dove head first into online marketing, unlike most people, I never hit rock bottom in my personal life and career, but a lot of things changed in my life over a span of a few years, which left me searching for something that was missing, while I was in this state of transition.

By trade, for the last 10 years I’ve been an industrial electrician. I got my start after a short career in the US Navy. I say short because I got kicked out for being a dumb kid and making some mistakes, I still regret this outcome to this day. It has been tough for me to forgive myself.

Fast forward to July 2016, I’m married to the love of my life and we we’re doing great! Living the ‘American Dream’ with two very well paying jobs, a house, cars, motorcycles, toys, vacations and DEBT!

Then without notice, my wife lost her job. This hurt us bad. We really had to sit down and decide what we were going to do to keep food on the table, the bills paid and try to straighten everything back out, since we were completely reliant on both of our incomes.

Normally after someone gets fired they have the ability to receive unemployment (which is practically nothing compared to how much we had in bills every month LOL but it would’ve helped). My wife didn’t receive her first check until 6 months later.

Following this event, just a couple of months later, I had a long talk with myself and decided that I will NEVER allow an outside circumstance to dictate the future of my family or control whether or not I can pay the bills and provide for them. But who just wants to work and pay bills for the rest of their life?

It was right then and there that I decided enough was enough and I needed to take control of this situation. There were far too many circumstance outside of my control like; our jobs, the economy, the government, and the list goes on. I knew there had to be a better way.

This is when I got online and started searching for online businesses to supplement my income. I had no idea what was LEGIT and what wasn’t. I didn’t know what an autoresponder was or even a lead capture page. I built my credibility from scratch since no one knew who I was at the time.

I had to build my confidence, stretch my mindset, get over any fear of what anyone thought and build my presence in my niche. Sometimes I was on the verge of quitting, but every day I felt I was a step closer to success... going back was not an option.

In the meantime I continued working at my power plant because it was our only source of income for a few months.

I am very lucky and thankful that I had this job because I had always enjoyed it. Loved the people I worked with and it was always a vehicle that me to provide for my family with what they needed. As soon as I changed my mindset about my job and that it could be used to fuel my business like a rocket ship everything changed.

Less than 30 days months later I had my first breakthrough! I made my first $1000 online. Now I KNEW this was real.

Fast forward to today and I personally still need to pinch myself to believe how far I have come in less than a year.

My obsession for success has helped me change my life, put me in a position to help others change theirs, speak for the very first time in front of an audience, and best of all, live life the way I WANT!

So, if you are reading this and are in total misery with where you are in life then I am asking you, starting right now to be thankful! You cannot be motivated to change your life if you haven't hit rock bottom or unless you’re truly ready to change (in a state of transition like I was).

This is why the rags to riches stories you always hear are so amazing because being at the low in your life is YOUR WHY to change YOUR life or your family's life.

Hopefully this gave you some hope no matter where you find yourself in life.

You too can change YOUR situation!

I'm starting my journey here on Steemit as well.

You can check out my youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/c/jakeblickenstaff Facebook: http://www.fb.com/jake.blickenstaff


Welcome to Steemit.

Thanks! Glad to be here.

I am in a similar situation, but I haven't arrived at the point where I can walk away from the rat race yet. I have been in the crypto space for about 2 months and loving it! I have learned a lot and have a lot more to learn. I have made some mistakes and had some successes and have learned from them all and I am slowly building my investment portfolio and trading accounts. I am working towards the day when I can walk away as well. Congratulations and welcome!

Thanks @stwbll. I've had some ups and down over the last 6 months with different programs disappearing. The best thing to focus on are legit operations and things that you can control, like crypto trading and mining.

Shoot me a message on Facebook and we can chat some more about what you're working on: http://www.fb.com/jake.blickenstaff

Hi, @jakeblickenstaff! Welcome to steemit! It's cool to see one more happy face and cool story here! Waiting for the great content from your side!

Thanks! I'm looking forward to it.

I just started my 3rd and last week off work before going back to work (carpentry). Inflammation in both arms... Spending all my time on crypto while recovering. If I can learn enough to make profit over the next year, I might change what i'm working with.

Sorry to hear about your arms. Crypto is definitely the one tool that has allowed me to walk away without concern about my previous income. Shoot me a PM on Facebook and I can share with you what I'm doing to see if it will help your situation. http://www.fb.com/jake.blickenstaff

I look forward to seeing your progress toward your goals!