Market Manipulation is a Cycle not an Outlier

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Currently Most Cryptos are crashing and people are panicking like they always do, smart money is watching carefully so they can pick up Crypto on sale. A lot of people last week were saying I was going to buy Bitcoin at $13,000 , but now it is at $19,000 so it is too late (Monday morning quarterbacking is the easy way out). This applies with all investments, you feel like you are catching a falling knife and you are not sure how far it will fall, because the ultimate traders wet dream is buying at the absolute bottom. Do not try and predict the future, I feel all buys and sells should stair step to a degree when holding large positions, at least in my opinion. I am no financial analyst and cannot and will not give out any specific financial advice. I just merely speak about my theories and you can make your own decisions.

I feel the market and certain Cryptos are being massively manipulated. Do I think this is a case for more regulation? NO!!! When markets fix themselves they come back as the new and improved version. When markets are bankrolled by daddy warbucks, they come back a weaker version of themselves. There is plenty of market manipulation in the most heavily regulated industries every day... Just look at banks, they are constantly manipulating most of the markets they are in, but the biggest manipulation is the ability of banks to create "New Currency" out of thin air (FRL). This too will pass no matter how bad it gets, more than anything it teaches us valueable lessons that we can learn from and position ourselves better when the financial elite play their games next time. We can play their game too, by watching the cycles...


Great post bud yeah i agree a lot of people just jumping in .I just triggered my first position and did some TA to explain maybe you can relate to it here you go.

I love Satoshi and all, but I have always felt that Bitcoin is just the AOL of Cryptocurrency. It has it place, but that place does not have to be the center of everything