In simple terms, PIVX is basically a form of online digital money that can be easily transferred around the world in the blink of an eye with almost non-existent transaction fees. It is not owned or governed by a single person or organization and its network is protected by thousands of nodes around the world by its users.
Any word that reminds me of pivx? Privacy. It is a cryptocurrency that thinks about privacy and that offers transparency and security to all its users. Pivx is in constant innovation and each step it takes is always in favor of its users. Without doubts and with closed eyes, I trust in pivx, an excellent team that came to stay.
look close with an open mind with what this new concept is doing with open source Ethereum ERC-20 smart contracts, decentralized exchange and passive income. The game has passed the crypto kitties and is now #1 on the Dapp Radar. The smart contract is coded to tax 10% of the ETH. when users purchase the (P)roof (O)f (W)eak (H)ands tokens and divides the ETH. tax to people who are already holding and also 10% of when users sell “20% total”. The name of the game is to hold as long as you can while you get earnings from the constantly taxed “Strong hand” buys and the taxed “weak hand” sells. If you don’t want to play anymore, you can pull out all your earnings all at once but with a 10% tax fee that gets divided to the stronger hands. This is what the ERC-20 smart contract is programed to do. In my opinion, it will better than the proof of stake Vitalik is trying to change to. Doesn’t hurt to look at the contracts open source code at least. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by.