Oh I agree, though it does take a toll on the RAM especially if one isn't prepared for it. I've had my desktop hang a number of times while browsing through sites that use JSEcoin. Also, I heard that it's a real pain for mobile browsers, that's why I left it out from the app I'm coding.
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I hear that. I've got it running on one site with mixed results. One of the others is running coinhive's miner as an alternative, keep it throttled at 20-25%. I like that kind of control...I haven't yet seen with JSEcoin. I'll let the experiment continue :D
Oh yeah, coinhive has more control, but the pro for JSEcoin is that it has its own coin while coinhive is using monero.
I've been checking out Monero which seems very useful despite the controversy and debate surrounding it. At the same time, some big names are starting to adopt it. That's potential, you know?
JSEcoin hasn't left it's own platform yet, so there's still the great big possibility of it failing before it's tradeable. At least the shit coins on the exchanges are tradeable.