That China thing recently.. man, FUD personified haha! You know how I feel about them, so I'll move on from that. As a Stokian, I continually try to be stoic during times like these, and even though I make baby steps, everything is still progress.
You know, I always narrate that story of you buying your house with Bitcoin whenever I tell people about it. So far, the majority of people I talk to have been converted and have bought some satoshis. Too bad they aren't as active on Steemit as I would hope, but yeah.
Really though, I think it's a matter of what weighs more for a person--FOMO or loss aversion. Personally, I think FOMO is worse because you had the opportunity, but still you didn't take it. Guarding against loss aversion is easy. As you always say, "don't invest more than you can afford lose."
Way to go putting in a Firefly reference near the end haha!
I wanted to watch Serenity last night but it wasn't on Amazon Prime or Netflix. I'm too much of a cheapskate to pay $3.99 to rent it (would rather buy crypto). So instead I watched Star Trek First Contact. :)
Way to have your priorities in order haha! Fortunately for me, I was gifted a complete set including Serenity about a decade ago so yeah haha!