Have you head of The Billion Coin? ( TBC ) It is the first abundance based, community based Cryptocurrency of its kind.
TBC is centralized and Private therefore you will not find it on the Coin Market Cap orCryptocurrency exchanges. Only those that are a part of the TBC community receive community news for TBC and other updates neccesary. TBC was created in 2016 with the hope of Ending Global Poverty. When you give someone TBC you have given them a chance to change their lives forever.
Today, 03/26/2018, we have 2,946,985 Total Verified TBC Members and 1 TBC is worth $3,637,553 USD! Let's keep the momentum up! Tell your friends and family members about TBC! You KNOW that you know someone who would benefit from owning TBC. This crypto-currency is AMAZING! #TBC4YouAndMe #TBCRocks #TheBillionCoin #TBC #JoinUs
To become a member of TBC for free click the link below to claim FREE kringle CASH. You can also email me, [email protected] with any questions you may have
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