Autobots Payout and Reinvest Day 19: The Influence of Trevon James!

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Yet another day, another reinvest. Shoutout to @trevonjb for showing love on one of my videos. The love was indeed recognized. My response to that is in this video. Check it out.

Also, if you're interested in the "Minnow Pool" community check out the video link here and follow the instructions.

Jeti Knight


You're awesome JetiKnights! I love your angle here. Autobots rule!

Thanks Mike. Glad you like the content!

Love this. Keep'm coming Jeti!! :-)

Thanks Luvcrypto for the support!

Good stuff, I'm new to bitconnect too

Thanks Pride. If you're interested in the Minnow community check out the link. You're more than welcome to join if you like. Thanks for viewing the content as well.


Interested in the community?

Cool rawpride. Glad you like the content. Good luck with your investment! I've been enjoying the returns myself. Im just interested in documenting my journey.

Learned about your channel @jetiknight from @trevonjb find the link watched few of your videos. Was really inspired, followed you on steemit. I too can relate as I am a member of Bitconnect. I am very concern cause a lot of shit talk going on and causing panic. Additionally I can't find bcc coins listed on the or If it's there it's not in the top 100 it was in the top 20 up to yesterday. Eyes wide open.

BCC was actually on Coinmarketcap, just hidden for some reason. All is well though, outside of the 18% hit the coin took at this time. But, Coinmarketcap has BCC at #16. I was literally doing "play by play" on my youtube page keeping my subs up to day like I was CNN or something. lol. It was fun while it lasted. All is good in the world again my friend! :-) Thanks for the follow and the love man. When you speak to @trevonjb let that man know that I've received 70 subs since he put up that video. Dude's a savage! lol.

Yea great job @jetiknight, I just saw your video on youtube, my eyes have been wide open :) couldn't sleep until I heard something good. You are right they are back on coinmarketcap currently at my time 2:44am its 12 in the ranking, marketcap $292,096,190. It moved since you broadcast it at 16, peace sleep time

Thanks World. That was a pretty eventful situation yesterday!