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RE: Why are Digital Currency Prices Dropping? Time to Buy Steem!

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Hey Jerry,

I was on the fence about Steem at first (I'm a big Ether guy), but after watching your video and giving Steemit a try, I must say I'm impressed. The Steemit platform is surprisingly addictive, especially the rush of others upvoting your content and the $$$ adding up.

I'll definitely be adding Steem to my portfolio. That being said their mobile app needs a lot of work, their website is great, but their android app is lacking (I say this as a professional android developer lol).

I would say the "hook, line, and sinker" for me was the free Steem when signing up. More Dapps (Decentralized Apps) need to follow this free tokens on sign up approach, reason being that most Dapps are confusing to use and not always user/beginner friendly. Free tokens will incentivize users to stick with the platform, even if their first experience is not up to the "regular" app / website experience.

