Free Ideas For The World #2 - Making Your Altcoin Go Viral

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

I just came across this very interesting picture that has just gone viral:


It was shown on ESPN college game day.

Sadly it seems this is the only available picture.. and his code is not fully visible, there is a good chance he would have been sent lots of money from random strangers across the internet if it was.

Now here is where my idea comes in.. how to make your alt coin go viral.

Lets say for example.. Vitalik Buterin or some other crypto big wig was to send this enterprising young gentleman.. 100 or 1000 ETH.

Once everyone hears about the success of the first person.. everyone else will do the same thing.

That story will go viral

Then, you will see hundreds and thousands of copy cats.. and people doing new things but with a twist. They may create videos or other amazing viral content and promote your alt coin to the world for you.

Will be great for bitcoin and the whole crypto market in general.. massive brand awareness.

Can you imagine.. a person who knows NOTHING about bitcoin.. figuring out that by using the QR code there he could actually send money to someone on the TV from his mobile phone.

Viral marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote any brand or product.. this is one of the first examples of a QR code being used to solicit donations from a large crowd.. at least that i have seen anyhow.

Im sure this method could be used in many ways.

You can always send ether to my address if you use this idea and get rich from it - 0xC62F738AfAb6fbce2cbc7F0fd274858cdC4A1448 :)


This is really a great idea. It would seriously only take paying that first person and you're right, the others would follow with other viral content. Great idea, maybe someone pulls this off with Steem when the time for expansion is right...?

Yes someone should def use it for steem!!

Thanks for the post @jombojones I'll give it a Kickstart with a tweet

Thanks mate much appreciated, you have some good posts i followed you :)

Although you did spell my name wrong hehehe :P

Thanks and sorry @jimbojones think I got it this time lol