
It'll deal with payment remittance and settlement. They have two main products. The blockchain which is to be used for exchanges, payment gateways and clearinghouse messaging. The wallet will work like other PSP wallets which will be a simple SDK that allows payments to be accepted and managed, but will work with both fiat and cryptocurrencies.

The use cases are endless as ecommerce is so massive these days.

I must say though that it'll only be the flyer that everyone hopes if they deliver all they have promised. The 1 million transactions per second is a fairly massive target that can be said much easier than done. As I touched on in the post, if Crypto Kitties has taken down the Ethereum blockchain, it makes me slightly sceptical, although I do think it's just a matter of time to find solutions if it has caused a problem.

If a similar product comes out on the Ark or Neo blockchains, I'll be buying the hell out of it as they are already showing much better ability to handle massive bandwidth without falling apart.