First Soros and Rothschilds, Now Rockefellers: Global Elite Entering Crypto Market

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

 This week, it was reported that multiple high profile banking  interests were moving into the cryptocurrency space—most notably, George  Soros, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschild dynasty. According to Bloomberg,  Adam Fisher, who is in charge of Soros Fund Management is preparing the  firm for cryptocurrency trading. The firm has yet to make a purchase or  an official statement, and a spokesperson has declined to comment on  the matter. 

This move was surprising to some, as Soros has been critical of cryptocurrency in the past, calling it a “bubble” and even a tool for dictators to hide their money. 

As long as you have dictatorships on the rise you will have a different ending because the rulers in those countries will turn to Bitcoin to build a nest egg abroad,” Soros said. 

Ironically enough, one of the best uses of cryptocurrency is for  people to hide their money from dictators to avoid confiscation and  taxation. Also last week,  reported that the infamous Rockefeller dynasty has made moves into the  world of crypto. 

The Rockefellers are well known for their heavy  influence in global politics, education, media, banking and oil, and are  often viewed as corrupt ruling class figures. 

Venrock, the Rockefellers’ venture capital firm, announced that their  first partnership will be with Coinfund, an investor group for  cryptocurrency startups. Venrock partner David Pakman explained the project in an interview with Fortune, saying that, “There  are a lot of crypto traders in the market. There are a lot of  cryptocurrency hedge funds. This is different. In fact, to us, it looks a  little bit more like venture capital. We wanted to partner with this  team that has been making investments, and actually helping to architect  a number of different crypto economies and crypto token-based  projects.” 

Oddly enough, Pakman went on to say that cryptocurrency is a  technology that bypasses gatekeepers, despite the fact that his company  is owned by the ultimate gatekeepers. 

“Gatekeepers tend to charge rent or toll on users. The benefit of the advent of crypto is that we have fewer gatekeepers,” Pakman said.  

“Venture capital itself is effectively a gatekeeper industry and I’d  actually like to see that undone. I don’t believe that a small group of  people should make the decisions about which projects can raise some  money and get off the ground.” 

What’s more, as RT recently reported, the Rothschilds, also known for  their close ties to banks and other financial institutions, have  stepped towards cryptocurrency trading as well. In December, the family  reportedly purchased bitcoin exposure via the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust  for the first time. 

 In the past several years, bankers have been constantly changing  their opinions on cryptocurrency—bashing the technology one minute, and  then praising it the next. Now it seems that big banks want to cut their customers off  from crypto purchases, while at the same time implementing blockchain  systems with their existing business models. 

Bank of America CEO Brian  Moynihan recently claimed that the company has more patents than anyone  else in the blockchain space. In an interview with Yahoo Finance at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Moynihan said, “We have more patents, I think than almost anybody in blockchain.” 

“We believe in the idea of distributed ledgers, and  smart contracts, and all the words you hear about that. We are  developing stuff… But it’s not new concepts. The Registry of Motor  Vehicles is a distributed ledger. We know who owns a car, we know who  owns a house. The idea is that you can do it more electronically, and  can do it across borders. The question of an anonymous currency, that’s a  policy question that people have to answer but the idea of digital  movement of money, and blockchain, we’re all for.”

A spokesperson for Bank of America told Yahoo Finance that the  company has 48 patents related to blockchain. A Google patent database  search shows that Bank of America owns 27 patents containing the word “blockchain,” 36 for “bitcoin” and 39 under “cryptocurrency.” 

Moynihan shares the sentiments of many in the banking industry who  hate anonymous cryptocurrency, but see potential in the blockchain  technology that makes it possible. 

As with any technology, this is a  tool, which could be easily used in our favor or against us. As I have  pointed out many times in the past, this is why the battle for the  blockchain and the race to innovation is so important. 

Early Bitcoin adopter Andreas Antonopoulos compares the general  attitude that the banking industry has towards cryptocurrency to the “five stages of grief,”  a popular psychological model used to describe the emotions that people  go through when they experience some type of loss. These stages are  denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, usually in that  order. 

His analogy seems fairly accurate. First, the establishment entirely  denied the existence or legitimacy of cryptocurrencies. Next, they went  into the anger phase, where they did their best to associate crypto with  crime and terrorism, even going so far as to lock up some of the most prominent figures in the space. 

Now, as Antonopoulos points out, it seems that we have entered into the “bargaining phase” where the banks will try their best to co-opt the technology in a desperate attempt to stay competitive and relevant. 

“Denial happens with all innovative technologies. The desire to  dismiss change. Bitcoin was irrelevant. Then it wouldn’t die, then  it was scary and dangerous… The new ‘line’ is that blockchain technology  is promising. Now we’re in the ‘bargaining’ stage,” Antonopoulos said.

 Luckily, the blockchain is a battlefield where those who are fighting  for freedom, actually have an upper hand on those who are fighting  against it. The developers who are seeking to build anonymous and  decentralized platforms are more skilled and knowledgeable than the old  money that is entering the space. 

Let us hope that the next stage “depression” is for the bankers, and not for us. 


My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 


the Rothschilds, also known for their close ties to banks and other financial institutions,

close ties? - I think they are the banking system would be a closer description. lol

Luckily, the blockchain is a battlefield where those who are fighting for freedom, actually have an upper hand on those who are fighting against it.

I would like to think that to be true, but i can't see it, to be honest ( I wish it were different)

When you can print money to buy crypto, you can essentially buy everyone out of the markets until you control all of it.

That's depressing thought, but it is a shitty fact....
then what...?

On the up side, it's very good news for owners of crypto!

Good post, sir!

lol yeah maybe "close ties" was being too nice lol

.... a great white sharks' teeth, has close ties to its jaws kind of

They are getting ready for some moon time, which unfortunately is going to make them money :(

Exactly why crypto is still in FUD. Extra time for the cabal to buy low.

If counterfeit currency is acceptable to a nation or society, it's done. The perps can purchase whatever they want, whomever they want, whenever they want. No way to limit it now that money is all electronic blips.

This is where Anarchos fall into a pit. How will they prevent it? And I am not asking the question so any of you "explain" it to me. SHOW ME, DON'T TELL ME. Whassup with Ver Nation? Any progress? He better get his act together before all his cryptoWealth is dissolved into thin air.

Amazing Article @johnvibes!
I heard about Soros the other day and wasn't surprised at all. Exciting to see others like The Rockefellers & Rothschilds preparing for crypto. Next up is the banks haha especially since these bigs names have close ties with them. Congratulations on beating cancer, looking forward to your podcast! Keep up the good work :)

thank you! Yes, it will be interesting to see how it all plays out as the banks try to get involved

I think these big names won't do any good for the cryptocurrency world. These super rich already own banks and other financial institutions, which suck common people and when they will enter the virtual currency market, they will also establish there hegemony there. Everyone should understand that cryptocurrencies and decentralized public ledgers are beneficial till no one controls them. When these things will come under some powerful people's control, they will become the tool of invincible slavery for common people.

well said.

I don't know why so many bagholders are excited over this. So, these venomous snakes are your heroes now, eh hodlers?

yeah unfortunately there are a lot of people just into it for the money and dont understand the philosophy behind it

Scary to think they will control blockchain. I'm still not really convinced distributed ledger is a solution to corruption. Thanks for this info.
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Thanks for sharing cryptocurrency update providing news.
I appreciate your analysis

haha, Rothschilds buying in at the record highs in December :)

duh. it was just a matter of time...

John your the man, if I had any monetary funds I would send them your way. Thank you for the insight of the emotions that people go through after some kind of loss. You hit the nail on the head with that one. Decentralized cryptos are here to stay.